ANJOS, O. [et al.] (2009) - Preliminary study of alternative agents to preserve Pinus pinaster wood. In World Forestry Congress, 13, Buenos Aires, 18-25 October.
Preliminary study of alternative agents to preserve Pinus pinaster wood
Pine oil Fungal biodegradation Trametes versicolor Trichoderma citrinoviride Wood preservation
2013-07-03T15:36:41Z 2013-07-03T15:36:41Z 2009
Pine oil can be obtained from α-pinene and is one of the constituents from gun-turpentine. Is a
natural product and is known for its insecticide, bactericide and fungicide proprieties.
In this study dry pinewood samples cut in radial section, were impregnated with pine oil and
limonene stabilised at room temperature.