Explorando as experiências de fluxo em matemática de estudantes futuros Professores de Educação Básica
MONTORO MEDINA, Ana Belén ; GIL CUADRA, Francisco ; PAIXÃO, Fátima (2015) - Explorando as experiências de fluxo em matemática de estudantes futuros professores de educação básica. In XXVI Seminário de Investigação em Educação Matemática, Évora, 28-29 de março : atas. Lisboa : APM-Associação de Professores de Matemática. p. 78-91.
Explorando as experiências de fluxo em matemática de estudantes futuros Professores de Educação Básica
Experiências de fluxo
Motivação em matemática
Formação de professores
Ensino básico
Flow experiences
Mathematics motivation
Teachers training
Basic education
Motivação em matemática
Formação de professores
Ensino básico
Flow experiences
Mathematics motivation
Teachers training
Basic education
As experiências de fluxo, estados de máxima concentração e desfrute, relacionam-se positivamente com o desempenho académico e com o compromisso com a matéria com a qual se produz. O presente trabalho explora as características das tarefas matemáticas que têm influência nas experiências de fluxo de estudantes futuros Professores do Ensino Básico (6-12 anos) ao trabalharem em grupo. Administrou-se um questionário fechado logo a seguir å conclusão da tarefa para identificar se os 230 estudantes da disciplina de "Ensino e Aprendizagem de Geometria e Medida " experimentaram fluxo. Além disso, gravaram-se alguns grupos de estudantes durante a realização das tarefas e recolheu-se informação sobre a sua experiência prévia em matemática. Os resultados sugerem que estabelecer metas claras, proporcionar feedback imediato, sentir-se capaz de resolver a tarefa, considerá-la interessante e útil são aspetos que favorecem a aparição de fluxo.
Abstract - Flow experiences are states of deep concentration and enjoyment with the activity which is carried out. So, it is positively related to high performance and engagement with the activity that produced it. This work explore which aspects of mathematical tasks make easier flow to take place or block it to pre-service primary teachers while working in group. For this purpose, a closed questionnaire used to identify flow experiences was administrated to 230 students who attended the course "Teaching and learning of geometry and measure in Primary Education at the end of each of nine sessions. Moreover, some groups of student were videotaped doing the task and past experiences with mathematics information were collected. Results highlight the importance to flow of relevant and interesting tasks which set clear goals and provide immediatefeedback, and having confidence in being able to accomplish the task.
Abstract - Flow experiences are states of deep concentration and enjoyment with the activity which is carried out. So, it is positively related to high performance and engagement with the activity that produced it. This work explore which aspects of mathematical tasks make easier flow to take place or block it to pre-service primary teachers while working in group. For this purpose, a closed questionnaire used to identify flow experiences was administrated to 230 students who attended the course "Teaching and learning of geometry and measure in Primary Education at the end of each of nine sessions. Moreover, some groups of student were videotaped doing the task and past experiences with mathematics information were collected. Results highlight the importance to flow of relevant and interesting tasks which set clear goals and provide immediatefeedback, and having confidence in being able to accomplish the task.
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