O hoje e o amanhã na inclusão dum adulto com deficiência intelectual num lar residencial português na região de Coimbra
MARTINS, Ernesto ; MARTINS, Estela (2015) - O hoje e o amanhã na inclusão dum adulto com deficiência intelectual num lar residencial português na região de Coimbra. Educação Unisinos. ISSN 2177-6210. Vol. 19, n.º 3, p. 390-400.
O hoje e o amanhã na inclusão dum adulto com deficiência intelectual num lar residencial português na região de Coimbra
An intellectually impaired adult interned at a portuguese residential home in the Coimbra region : today and in the future
An intellectually impaired adult interned at a portuguese residential home in the Coimbra region : today and in the future
Inclusão institucional
Dificuldade intelectual e desenvolvimental
Educação especial
Intervenção social
Lar residencial
Institutional inclusion
Intellectual and developmental difficulties
Special education
Social intervention
Residential home
Dificuldade intelectual e desenvolvimental
Educação especial
Intervenção social
Lar residencial
Institutional inclusion
Intellectual and developmental difficulties
Special education
Social intervention
Residential home
Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo que analisa a história de uma pessoa adulta (Rosita) com deficiência intelectual, do sexo feminino, institucionalizada num lar de idosos na região portuguesa de Coimbra. O estudo assenta na análise do processo de inclusão institucional dessa cidadã deficiente, com microcefalia associada, de modo a sensibilizar os técnicos para a tomada de decisões, no âmbito gerontológico e educacional, através da implementação de um plano de intervenção, que vise desenvolver competências básicas. Construímos o percurso de vida da Rosita, realizando entrevistas semiestruturadas ao pessoal técnico do lar, ao irmão e a um utente amigo, com análise de conteúdo (categorias), para além de observações (documentais, naturais e participantes), notas de campo e triangulação de dados e metodologias. Propusemos um plano de intervenção e estratégias de inclusão para Rosita, durante seis meses no ano de 2012, de modo a inseri-la ativamente na instituição, para se tornar uma cidadã autónoma, participativa e incluída.
Abstract: This is a qualitative study that analyzes the history of an adult (Rosita) with intellectual disabilities, female, institutionalized in a nursing home in the Portuguese region of Coimbra. The problem is based on the analysis of the process of institutional inclusion of this poor citizen with microcephaly associated, in order to sensitize the technicians for decisionmaking within and through educational geriatric implementation of an intervention plan, which aims to develop you basic skills. Build the life of Rosita, performing technical personnel of semistructured interviews home, his brother and a friend, with user content analysis (categories),in addition to comments (natural and documentary participants), field notes and triangulation of data and methodologies. We have proposed a plan of intervention and inclusion strategies for Rosita, during six months in the year 2012 in order to insert itself actively in the institution in order to be an autonomous, participative and citizen included.
Abstract: This is a qualitative study that analyzes the history of an adult (Rosita) with intellectual disabilities, female, institutionalized in a nursing home in the Portuguese region of Coimbra. The problem is based on the analysis of the process of institutional inclusion of this poor citizen with microcephaly associated, in order to sensitize the technicians for decisionmaking within and through educational geriatric implementation of an intervention plan, which aims to develop you basic skills. Build the life of Rosita, performing technical personnel of semistructured interviews home, his brother and a friend, with user content analysis (categories),in addition to comments (natural and documentary participants), field notes and triangulation of data and methodologies. We have proposed a plan of intervention and inclusion strategies for Rosita, during six months in the year 2012 in order to insert itself actively in the institution in order to be an autonomous, participative and citizen included.
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