RUIVO, João ; MESQUITA, Helena (2013) – A escola na sociedade da informação e do conhecimento. In RUIVO, J.; CARREGA, J. (Coords.) – A escola e as TIC na sociedade do conhecimento, Castelo Branco: RVJ. ISBN 978-989-8289-23-0. p. 11-28.
A escola na sociedade da informação e do conhecimento
Escola e iliteracia digital
Tecnologias da informação e da comunicação (Tic)
Redes de conhecimento digital
Globalização e aprendizagem
TIC e sucesso educativo
Digital school and illiteracy
Information and communication technologies (Ict)
Digital knowledge networks
Globalization and learning
ICT and educational success
Tecnologias da informação e da comunicação (Tic)
Redes de conhecimento digital
Globalização e aprendizagem
TIC e sucesso educativo
Digital school and illiteracy
Information and communication technologies (Ict)
Digital knowledge networks
Globalization and learning
ICT and educational success
A evolução das tecnologias da informação e da comunicação (Tic) imprimiu uma dinâmica de transformação na educação e na escola pública. A utilização indiscriminada do computador pessoal inundou as nossas escolas de trabalhos do tipo “selecionar tudo, copiar e colar”. A escola pública contribui para atenuar a exclusão digital, porém a formação dos professores nestas matérias deve ser considerada prioritária, já que as Tic na educação, bem como a informação por elas disponibilizada, correspondem à descoberta de uma nova dimensão pedagógica.
O artigo defende que o fracasso da escola só pode ser combatido promovendo o êxito do professor. Enfatiza que, na atual conjuntura, não basta para o que já se fez, mas urge estabelecer as metas do que ainda está por fazer. Sobretudo relevando que, hoje, a questão da educação não é mais um problema teórico mas, sobretudo, um problema prático e de práticas.
A proposta resulta num desafio à capacidade dos professores e das escolas em saberem ultrapassar iliteracia digital, que as condena, e construírem uma escola que se assuma como uma comunidade de aprendentes, promovendo a livre circulação dos saberes, que deverá coincidir com a desvalorização dos tecnocratas da educação e com o progressivo “regresso” dos pedagogos.
ABSTRACT: The evolution of information and communication technologies (Tic) printed a dynamic transformation in education and public school. The indiscriminate use of personal computer flooded our schools work like "select all, copy and paste." Public school contributes to mitigate the digital divide, but the training of teachers in these subjects should be considered a priority, since the Tic education, and the information made available by them correspond to the discovery of a new educational dimension. The article argues that school failure can only be tackled by promoting the successful teacher. It emphasizes that, at this juncture, not just for what has been done, but it is urgent to establish the goals of what remains to be done. Especially emphasizing that today the issue of education is no longer a theoretical problem but, above all, a practical problem. The proposal results in a challenge to the ability of teachers and schools in knowing overcome digital illiteracy that condemns them, and build a school that is assumed as a learner community, promoting the free movement of knowledge, which should coincide with the devaluation of technocrats education and the gradual "return" of pedagogues.
ABSTRACT: The evolution of information and communication technologies (Tic) printed a dynamic transformation in education and public school. The indiscriminate use of personal computer flooded our schools work like "select all, copy and paste." Public school contributes to mitigate the digital divide, but the training of teachers in these subjects should be considered a priority, since the Tic education, and the information made available by them correspond to the discovery of a new educational dimension. The article argues that school failure can only be tackled by promoting the successful teacher. It emphasizes that, at this juncture, not just for what has been done, but it is urgent to establish the goals of what remains to be done. Especially emphasizing that today the issue of education is no longer a theoretical problem but, above all, a practical problem. The proposal results in a challenge to the ability of teachers and schools in knowing overcome digital illiteracy that condemns them, and build a school that is assumed as a learner community, promoting the free movement of knowledge, which should coincide with the devaluation of technocrats education and the gradual "return" of pedagogues.
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