SÁ, Patricia ; PAIXÃO, Fátima (2015) - Competências-chave para todos no séc. XXI : orientações emergentes do contexto europeu. Interacções. ISSN 1646-2335. Vol. 11, nº 39 p. 243-254.
Competências-chave para todos no séc. XXI : orientações emergentes do contexto europeu
Orientações internacionais
Key competencies
International guidelines
Orientações internacionais
Key competencies
International guidelines
Num sistema social global como o atual, caracterizado pela complexidade,
imprevisibilidade e interdependência, vários são os desafios a que os países, as
comunidades, as instituições, organizações e os próprios indivíduos terão de fazer
face. Questões como as rápidas transformações sociais, os avanços científicos e
tecnológicos, a globalização económica e cultural (e consequente estandardização e
perda de diversidade), as assimetrias e os conflitos que se fazem sentir, bem como a
crise socioeconómica generalizada e os graves problemas ambientais, emergem como
desafios globais que exigem uma abordagem reflexiva e holística. É neste contexto
que, nos últimos anos, se tem assistido a uma crescente preocupação relativamente à
qualidade e adequabilidade dos currículos aos atuais contextos. Face às atuais
exigências e desafios globais, a comunidade politica e educativa internacional tem
vindo a desenvolver diversos projetos que procuram identificar e definir quais as
competências que contribuem para o sucesso global da vida de cada indivíduo e,
simultaneamente, para o bom funcionamento da sociedade (Rychen e Tiana, 2005).
Nesta comunicação propõe-se uma sistematização das principais orientações
europeias no que se refere à identificação e definição das competências que todos os
cidadãos devem possuir no século XXI. Para tal, as autoras focaram-se na análise de
alguns dos projetos/estudos nacionais e internacionais mais pertinentes na definição
de competências-chave: o projeto DeSeCo, o estudo “Saberes Básicos para todos os
cidadãos do séc. XXI” e os relatórios “Key Competences for Lifelong Learning European Reference framework" e "learning for the 21st Century. a Report and Mile Guide for 21st Century Skills".
In a global social system like ours, characterized by complexity, unpredictability and interdependence, there are several challenges that countries, communities, institutions, organizations and individuals themselves will have to face. Issues such as the rapid social transformations, scientific and technological advances, economic and cultural globalization (and consequent loss of diversity and standardization), the asymmetries and conflicts that are felt all over the world, as well as the general socioeconomic crisis and severe environmental problems, emerge as global challenges that require a reflective and holistic approach. It is in this context that, in recent years, we have witnessed a growing concern about the quality and appropriateness of the curricula to current contexts. Given the current demands and challenges, the political and educational international community has been developing several projects that seek to identify and define what competencies may contribute to the overall success of every individual's life and, simultaneously, for the proper functioning of society (Rychen & Tiana, 2005). In this paper we propose a classification of the main international guidelines regarding the identification and definition of the competencies that all citizens should have for the XXI century. To this end, the authors focused on the analysis of some of the most relevant national and international projects / studies on the definition of key competencies: the DeSeCo project, the study "Basic Knowledge for all citizens of the century. XXI "and reports" Key Competences for Lifelong Learning European Reference Framework "and" Learning for the 21st Century. A Report and Mile Guide for 21st Century Skills. "
In a global social system like ours, characterized by complexity, unpredictability and interdependence, there are several challenges that countries, communities, institutions, organizations and individuals themselves will have to face. Issues such as the rapid social transformations, scientific and technological advances, economic and cultural globalization (and consequent loss of diversity and standardization), the asymmetries and conflicts that are felt all over the world, as well as the general socioeconomic crisis and severe environmental problems, emerge as global challenges that require a reflective and holistic approach. It is in this context that, in recent years, we have witnessed a growing concern about the quality and appropriateness of the curricula to current contexts. Given the current demands and challenges, the political and educational international community has been developing several projects that seek to identify and define what competencies may contribute to the overall success of every individual's life and, simultaneously, for the proper functioning of society (Rychen & Tiana, 2005). In this paper we propose a classification of the main international guidelines regarding the identification and definition of the competencies that all citizens should have for the XXI century. To this end, the authors focused on the analysis of some of the most relevant national and international projects / studies on the definition of key competencies: the DeSeCo project, the study "Basic Knowledge for all citizens of the century. XXI "and reports" Key Competences for Lifelong Learning European Reference Framework "and" Learning for the 21st Century. A Report and Mile Guide for 21st Century Skills. "
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