Narrar estórias da História de Portugal a alunos com DID do 2.º CEB num agrupamento de escolas portuguesas (estudo de caso)
MARTINS, Ernesto ; MARQUES, Cláudia (2015) - Narrar estórias da História de Portugal a alunos com DID do 2.º CEB num agrupamento de escolas portuguesa (estudo de caso). Plures Humanidades. ISSN 2238-4979. Vol. 16, nº 1, p. 97-120.
Narrar estórias da História de Portugal a alunos com DID do 2.º CEB num agrupamento de escolas portuguesas (estudo de caso)
Telling stories on Portugal’s hystory to students of the 2nd CEB with intelectual and developmental disabilities in a group of portuguese schools (case study)
Telling stories on Portugal’s hystory to students of the 2nd CEB with intelectual and developmental disabilities in a group of portuguese schools (case study)
História de Portugal
Dificuldades Intelectuais e Desenvolvimentais (DID)
Conto didático
Leitura expressiva
History of Portugal
Intellectual and Developmental Difficulties (IDD)
Didactic tale
Expressive reading
Dificuldades Intelectuais e Desenvolvimentais (DID)
Conto didático
Leitura expressiva
History of Portugal
Intellectual and Developmental Difficulties (IDD)
Didactic tale
Expressive reading
Trata-se de um estudo de caso, realizado em 213, de metodologia qualitativa
(paradigma interpretativo e sócio-crítico), que analisa a importância da narração do conto,
através de, no processo de ensino-aprendizagem a n=7 alunos com Dificuldades Intelectuais e Desenvolvimentais do 2.º Ciclo num Agrupamento de Escolas em Lisboa, abrangidos pelo
Decreto-Lei 3/2008, de 7 de janeiro. Sabemos que os conteúdos de ‘H.ª e Geografia de Portugal’ para aqueles alunos é mais significativo se for realizada por estampas ou imagens nas narrações. Os objetivos previstos são: compreender os efeitos pedagógicos do conto, de leitura narrativa e da imagem (total=20 estampas) na aquisição de competências básicas desses alunos, aplicando um Plano de intervenção de 8 narrações de ‘Estórias de H.ª de Portugal’. Utilizámos as técnicas de observação participante (sala de aula), entrevista ao professor da turma, análise documental (processos individuais), fichas de autoavaliação de cada sessão, entrevista ‘focus group’ (pós plano). Adotamos a técnica de triangulação de dados, com o apoio das notas de campo e teoria fundamentada, que permitiu constatar o elevado grau da importância do conto, da imagem e da leitura naqueles alunos. As estampas foram ferramentas didáticas e lúdicas eficazes na abordagem da disciplina. O estudo registou resultados positivos na aquisição de competências básicas nos alunos ao nível curricular e aquisição de conhecimentos, uma maior interação dos alunos com os colegas da turma/grupo e com o professor (questionamento).
This is a case study, held in 2013, using a qualitative methodology (interpretative and socio-critical paradigm) that examines the importance of the tale narratives, through, teaching-learning process in which n = 7 students with Intellectual and Developmental Difficulties of 2nd Cycle in a group of Schools in Lisbon, covered by the Decree-Law 3/2008, of 7 January. It is known that the contents of 'History and Geography of Portugal' for those students are more significant if pictures or images are used in the narratives. The objectives laid down are: to understand the pedagogical effects of the tale, of the narrative and image reading (total = 20 prints) in the acquisition of basic competences of these students, applying a contingency Plan of 8 tales ' Stories of History of Portugal '. We used participant observation techniques (classroom), interview with the class teacher, document analyses (individual processes), self-evaluation sheets for each session, and 'focus group' interview (post plan). The technique of data triangulation was adopted, with the support of field notes and consistent theory, which has shown high degree of story importance, image and reading of these students. The prints were playful and didactic tools that were effective in approaching the subject. The study reported positive results in the acquisition of basic competences by students at the curricular level; knowledge acquisition; better interaction class / teacher (questioning).
This is a case study, held in 2013, using a qualitative methodology (interpretative and socio-critical paradigm) that examines the importance of the tale narratives, through, teaching-learning process in which n = 7 students with Intellectual and Developmental Difficulties of 2nd Cycle in a group of Schools in Lisbon, covered by the Decree-Law 3/2008, of 7 January. It is known that the contents of 'History and Geography of Portugal' for those students are more significant if pictures or images are used in the narratives. The objectives laid down are: to understand the pedagogical effects of the tale, of the narrative and image reading (total = 20 prints) in the acquisition of basic competences of these students, applying a contingency Plan of 8 tales ' Stories of History of Portugal '. We used participant observation techniques (classroom), interview with the class teacher, document analyses (individual processes), self-evaluation sheets for each session, and 'focus group' interview (post plan). The technique of data triangulation was adopted, with the support of field notes and consistent theory, which has shown high degree of story importance, image and reading of these students. The prints were playful and didactic tools that were effective in approaching the subject. The study reported positive results in the acquisition of basic competences by students at the curricular level; knowledge acquisition; better interaction class / teacher (questioning).
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