BERNARDES, T.; COELHO, Patrícia; PEREIRA, Alexandre (2015) - Estudo PAI: estudo da pressão arterial em Idanha-a-Nova/Pt. RIASE. ISSN 2183-6663. Vol. 1, nº 3, p. 304-321
Estudo PAI: estudo da pressão arterial em Idanha-a-Nova/Pt
Estudio PAI: Estudio de la aresión arterial en Idanha-a-Nova/Pt
IBP study:Idanha-a-Nova/Pt blood pressure study
Estudio PAI: Estudio de la aresión arterial en Idanha-a-Nova/Pt
IBP study:Idanha-a-Nova/Pt blood pressure study
Hipertensão arterial
Doenças cardiovasculares
Fatores de risco
Arterial hypertension
Cardiovascular diseases
Risk factors
Hipertensão arterial
Doenças cardiovasculares
Fatores de risco
Arterial hypertension
Cardiovascular diseases
Risk factors
Objetivos: Determinar a prevalência de Hipertensão Arterial na população adulta do concelho
de Idanha-a-Nova, assim como verificar as suas taxas de tratamento e controlo e discriminar
quais os fatores de risco associados. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo transversal,
analítico, observacional e prospetivo que se realizou nas várias freguesias do concelho,
sendo a amostra constituída por 992 indivíduos, dos quais 52,4% são do género feminino e
47,6% do masculino, com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e 95 anos. A recolha de dados
decorreu entre junho e julho de 2013, tendo consistido na avaliação dos valores de pressão
arterial e realizadas três avaliações com um intervalo regular de 5 minutos. Resultados:
A prevalência de Hipertensão Arterial encontrada foi de 51,0%, dos quais 25,7% eram do
género feminino e 25,3% do masculino. Aferiu-se ainda que, do total de inquiridos, 30,7%
afirmou tomar medicação anti-hipertensora, sendo que destes 49,8% apresentava os valores
de pressão arterial dentro dos níveis de normalidade. Dos fatores de risco encontrados
verificou-se que os mais predominantes foram a história familiar de Hipertensão Arterial
e a dislipidémia, com prevalências de 36,0% e 35,2%, respetivamente. Conclusões: Verifica-
-se uma elevada prevalência de Hipertensão Arterial no concelho estudado
ABSTRACT: Objectives: To determine the prevalence of Arterial Hypertension in the adult population of the municipality of Idanha-a-Nova, as well as to verify its treatment and control rates, and to discriminate which are the associated risk factors. Methods: It is a cross-sectional, analytic, observational and prospective study which was performed in each of the various townships, forming a base sample of 992 individuals, of which 52,4% are female, and 47,6% are male, between 18 and 95 years of age. Data collection was performed between June and July of 2013, consisting of the evaluation of arterial pressure values, for this purpose three evaluations were performed with a regular interval of 5 minutes. Results: The prevalence of Arterial Hypertension found was of 51,0%, of which 25,7% were female and 25,3% male. It was also confirmed that, out of the total of inquired individuals, 30,7% stated to take Anti-Hypertension medication, and out of these, 49,8% showed normal levels of blood pressure. Within the risk factors found the most predominant ones were Arterial Hypertension family history and Dyslipidemia, reaching values of 36,0% and 35,2%, respectively. Conclusions: The study shows elevated values of Arterial Hypertension in the county of Idanha.
ABSTRACT: Objectives: To determine the prevalence of Arterial Hypertension in the adult population of the municipality of Idanha-a-Nova, as well as to verify its treatment and control rates, and to discriminate which are the associated risk factors. Methods: It is a cross-sectional, analytic, observational and prospective study which was performed in each of the various townships, forming a base sample of 992 individuals, of which 52,4% are female, and 47,6% are male, between 18 and 95 years of age. Data collection was performed between June and July of 2013, consisting of the evaluation of arterial pressure values, for this purpose three evaluations were performed with a regular interval of 5 minutes. Results: The prevalence of Arterial Hypertension found was of 51,0%, of which 25,7% were female and 25,3% male. It was also confirmed that, out of the total of inquired individuals, 30,7% stated to take Anti-Hypertension medication, and out of these, 49,8% showed normal levels of blood pressure. Within the risk factors found the most predominant ones were Arterial Hypertension family history and Dyslipidemia, reaching values of 36,0% and 35,2%, respectively. Conclusions: The study shows elevated values of Arterial Hypertension in the county of Idanha.
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