PEREIRA, Orlando R.E.; NEVES, PAulo A.C.S.; RODRIGUES, Joel J.P.C. - Mobile solution for three-tier biofeedback data acquisition and processing. In Global Telecommunications Conference, Nova Orleães, 30 Novembro 2008. GLOBECOM 2008. [S.l.]: IEEE pp.1-5,
Mobile solution for three-tier biofeedback data acquisition and processing
Mobile application
“Copyright © [2008] IEEE. Reprinted from Global Telecommunications Conference. (GLOBECOM 2008).IEEE ISBN:978-1-4244-2324-8.
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Wireless sensor networks span from military applications into everyday life. Body sensor networks greatly benefit from wireless sensor networks to answer the biofeedback challenges in healthcare applications. In such applications, data is of fundamental importance, it must be reliable and within easy reach. However, most solutions rely on a personal computer to process and display sensor data. In this paper we propose a mobile solution that draws on three-tier body sensor networks to dramatically improve data accessibility, through the use of a Java and Bluetooth-enabled mobile phone. The mobile tool features data monitoring and presentation. This approach allows data visualization by the patient or medical staff without a portable computer or specific monitoring hardware. We hope to contribute to the adoption of biofeedback for early detection of health abnormalities and lower the budget that governments spend each year in healthcare.
Wireless sensor networks span from military applications into everyday life. Body sensor networks greatly benefit from wireless sensor networks to answer the biofeedback challenges in healthcare applications. In such applications, data is of fundamental importance, it must be reliable and within easy reach. However, most solutions rely on a personal computer to process and display sensor data. In this paper we propose a mobile solution that draws on three-tier body sensor networks to dramatically improve data accessibility, through the use of a Java and Bluetooth-enabled mobile phone. The mobile tool features data monitoring and presentation. This approach allows data visualization by the patient or medical staff without a portable computer or specific monitoring hardware. We hope to contribute to the adoption of biofeedback for early detection of health abnormalities and lower the budget that governments spend each year in healthcare.
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