Design de moda : estágio curricular na marca Marios Schwab
Barreiros, Alexandra Isabel Cruchinho
Designer de moda
Coleção cápsula
Fashion designer
Capsule collection
Domínio/Área Científica : Humanidades
Designer de moda
Coleção cápsula
Fashion designer
Capsule collection
Domínio/Área Científica : Humanidades
Este relatório é referente ao percurso académico, relativo ao ano letivo 2015/2016, onde visa a divulgação do trabalho realizado pela mestranda.
O mesmo é subdividido em duas partes, uma prática (através da realização de um estágio curricular) e uma posterior reflexão e pesquisa.
O estágio foi realizado no estrangeiro, mais precisamente em Londres, no atelier do designer Marios Schwab.
O anterior teve a duração de três meses, sendo o mês de Novembro de 2015 o mês de início, e Janeiro de 2016, o mês de término. A aprendizagem realizada no estrangeiro foi fundamental pois a aluna, para além de expandir horizontes, teve a oportunidade de comparar e aprender a metodologia de trabalho utilizada naquele atelier específico.
Após a conclusão do trabalho em atelier, procedeu-se à reflexão e investigação, deste conjunto e a aluna notou a necessidade de criar uma linha casual para a marca. Esta necessidade foi detetada num evento realizado pela marca, no qual a mestranda compareceu e colaborou. Sample sales era o nome do evento onde a estudante detetou a procura do consumidor por peças casuais.
Assim, propôs-se a criação de uma coleção cápsula de cinco coordenados femininos para a estação Primavera - Verão 2017, onde a estética e a qualidade pela qual o designer é conhecido continuasse presente.
A coleção mencionada anteriormente teve o conhecimento do designer de moda Marios Schwab.
Abstract : This report is referent to the academic journey in school year 2015/2016, where we can see the work made by the master’s student. The report was divided in two parts, one practical (through a realization of an internship and a later one of reflection and research). The internship was done aboard, precisely in London, on Marios Schwab’s atelier. The previously had the duration of three months, beginning in November of 2015 and finishing in January of 2016. This abroad experience was fundamental, because the student expanded horizons and had the opportunity to compare and learn the methodology of work used in that specific atelier. After the conclusion of internship, the student proceeded to the reflection and investigation, and the learner noted the necessity of creating a casual line to the brand. This necessity was detected in an event done by the brand, which the master’s student attendant and collaborated. Sample sales were the name of the event where the student noticed the buyer search for casual pieces. In that way, the academic student proposed a creation of a capsule collection of five female outfits to the season Spring- Summer 2017, where the esthetic and quality that the designer is known for remain there. The collection previously mentioned had the knowledge of the fashion designer Marios Schwab
Abstract : This report is referent to the academic journey in school year 2015/2016, where we can see the work made by the master’s student. The report was divided in two parts, one practical (through a realization of an internship and a later one of reflection and research). The internship was done aboard, precisely in London, on Marios Schwab’s atelier. The previously had the duration of three months, beginning in November of 2015 and finishing in January of 2016. This abroad experience was fundamental, because the student expanded horizons and had the opportunity to compare and learn the methodology of work used in that specific atelier. After the conclusion of internship, the student proceeded to the reflection and investigation, and the learner noted the necessity of creating a casual line to the brand. This necessity was detected in an event done by the brand, which the master’s student attendant and collaborated. Sample sales were the name of the event where the student noticed the buyer search for casual pieces. In that way, the academic student proposed a creation of a capsule collection of five female outfits to the season Spring- Summer 2017, where the esthetic and quality that the designer is known for remain there. The collection previously mentioned had the knowledge of the fashion designer Marios Schwab
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