Canto e emoção : a influência da emoção no canto
Matos, Maria Elisabete da Silva Duarte
Rodrigues, Dora Alexandra Antunes Ribeiro
Rodrigues, Dora Alexandra Antunes Ribeiro
Domínio/Área Científica : Humanidades
Domínio/Área Científica : Humanidades
As emoções têm um papel fundamental na performance de um cantor, assim como
na sua formação. Numa atuação, as emoções devem ser claras e percetíveis para o
público. O cantor, através das suas expressões faciais e corporais, das suas palavras e
da forma como as linhas melódicas são conduzidas, deve transmitir e provocar no
público, a presença de emoções, que representem a sua atuação.
Os professores, no decorrer das aulas, devem ter em consideração o conceito
emoção e devem procurar estimular a exteriorização das emoções, por parte dos seus
alunos, adequando-as ao repertório abordado ao longo das aulas.
Neste trabalho são expostas estratégias, que procuram despertar uma jovem
cantora, para a importância das emoções e para o trabalho das mesmas. É também
investigado um controlo sobre as emoções das obras, adquirido através da
compreensão e domínio das mesmas, podendo ter assim, uma influência benéfica, na
personalidade e no quotidiano da aluna.
Por fim, é apresentado um resumo e feita uma análise da Prática de Ensino
Supervisionada, que decorreu durante o ano letivo 2015/2016, no Conservatório
Regional de Castelo Branco.
Abstract : Emotions have an important role in the performance and training of a singer. During a performance, emotions must be clear and perceptible to the audience. The singer, by means of their facial and bodily expressions, as well as through their words and the way they lead melodic lines, must transmit to the audience, the emotional aspect that represents their performance. Teachers must have this concept under consideration, when teaching their classes and must try to stimulate the exteriorization of emotions by students, adjusting these studies to the aspects under consideration in the class. In this work, some strategies are presented, that were employed to awaken a young singer, to the immense importance of emotions and the work performed by them. It is also sought, a control over the emotional interpretation of the repertoire, acquired through the understanding and mastery of the pieces, which can also be beneficial to the personal development of the student. More than this, it is introduced a summary and analysis of Supervised Teaching Practice, that took place during the school year 2015/2016, at the Conservatório Regional de Castelo Branco.
Abstract : Emotions have an important role in the performance and training of a singer. During a performance, emotions must be clear and perceptible to the audience. The singer, by means of their facial and bodily expressions, as well as through their words and the way they lead melodic lines, must transmit to the audience, the emotional aspect that represents their performance. Teachers must have this concept under consideration, when teaching their classes and must try to stimulate the exteriorization of emotions by students, adjusting these studies to the aspects under consideration in the class. In this work, some strategies are presented, that were employed to awaken a young singer, to the immense importance of emotions and the work performed by them. It is also sought, a control over the emotional interpretation of the repertoire, acquired through the understanding and mastery of the pieces, which can also be beneficial to the personal development of the student. More than this, it is introduced a summary and analysis of Supervised Teaching Practice, that took place during the school year 2015/2016, at the Conservatório Regional de Castelo Branco.
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