Study skills in english
Wallace, Michael J.
A influência da motivação no exercício da docência no ensino especializado da música
Castilho, Maria Luísa Faria de Sousa Cerqueira Correia
Agostinho, Clotilde Alves Nunes
Agostinho, Clotilde Alves Nunes
Ensino artístico especializado da música
Escola profissional de música
Specialized artistic education music
Music conservatory
Professional school of music
Domínio/Área Científica : Humanidades
Ensino artístico especializado da música
Escola profissional de música
Specialized artistic education music
Music conservatory
Professional school of music
Domínio/Área Científica : Humanidades
Este relatório foi elaborado no âmbito da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada e do Projeto do Ensino Artístico e constitui duas partes: a prática supervisionada e o trabalho de investigação.
A primeira parte deste relatório consiste na descrição da prática supervisionada num contexto de ensino individual e de música de conjunto. A primeira parte do relatório pretende assim, apresentar toda a contextualização da instituição e dos alunos onde decorreu a prática supervisionada, bem como todas as planificações que constam deste processo. No final pretende-se ainda uma reflexão crítica pessoal da prática pedagógica realizada.
A segunda parte deste relatório consiste num estudo de natureza investigativa, que pretende compreender a influência da motivação no exercício da docência no ensino especializado da música. A temática escolhida prende-se com a verificação de que no âmbito desta matéria, existe uma investigação pouco aprofundada sobre a motivação no exercício da docência na área do ensino especializado da música. Como tal, esta investigação torna-se pertinente, face a todo o descontentamento que presenciamos hoje em dia no contexto educacional.
O ensino artístico nas últimas décadas tem sido alvo de grandes transformações, transformações essas, que, de igual forma, contribuíram para uma alteração dos contextos envolventes. No seguimento desta temática a investigação pretende explorar a importância da motivação na prática educacional artística e musical, questionando e equacionando os fatores que intervêm direta ou indiretamente no desempenho do docente, bem como fomentar o interesse e desenvolvimento de novas e mais aprofundadas investigações no campo da motivação na docência e com especial enfoque no ensino artístico especializado da música.
Foi assim possível verificar que a motivação é fundamental para o exercício da docência. Para tal constatámos que fatores de reconhecimento, relacionamento e de realização profissional e pessoal, demonstram ser preferentemente geradores da motivação, e que fatores externos como as politicas públicas, as condições físicas, o salario, o vinculo laboral, por si só não foram considerados como promotores da motivação. Concluímos assim, que fatores internos apresentaram ser mais geradores da motivação face a fatores externos.
Abstract : This report was drawn up under the Supervised Teaching Practice and consists in two parts: the supervised practice and the research work. The first part of this report consists on the description of the supervised practice in a context of individual teaching and chamber music and begins by presenting the contextualization of the institution and students where the supervised practice took place, as well as all the planning that is part of this process. In the end, a personal critical reflection of the pedagogical practice is presented. The second part of this report is an investigative study, which intends to understand the influence of motivation in the teaching of specialized music teaching. The theme chosen relates to the finding that in the context of this matter, there is little in-depth research on motivation in the teaching profession in the area of specialized teaching of music. As such, this research becomes relevant in the face of all the discontent that we witness today in the educational context. Artistic teaching in the last decades has been the subject of great transformations, which have contributed to a change in the surrounding contexts. Following this question the research intends to explore the importance of motivation in artistic and musical educational practice, questioning and equating all the factors that intervene directly or indirectly in the performance of the teacher, as well as to foment the interest and development of new and more in depth investigations in the field Motivation in teaching and with special focus on the specialized artistic teaching of music. It was possible to verify that the motivation is fundamental for the exercise of teaching. In order to achieve this, we found that factors of recognition, relationship and personal and professional achievement they proved to be motivational factors, and external factors such as public policies, physical conditions, salary, and employment relationships were not considered as promoters of motivation by themselves. In this way, we conclude that internal factors were more motivating factors than external factors.
Abstract : This report was drawn up under the Supervised Teaching Practice and consists in two parts: the supervised practice and the research work. The first part of this report consists on the description of the supervised practice in a context of individual teaching and chamber music and begins by presenting the contextualization of the institution and students where the supervised practice took place, as well as all the planning that is part of this process. In the end, a personal critical reflection of the pedagogical practice is presented. The second part of this report is an investigative study, which intends to understand the influence of motivation in the teaching of specialized music teaching. The theme chosen relates to the finding that in the context of this matter, there is little in-depth research on motivation in the teaching profession in the area of specialized teaching of music. As such, this research becomes relevant in the face of all the discontent that we witness today in the educational context. Artistic teaching in the last decades has been the subject of great transformations, which have contributed to a change in the surrounding contexts. Following this question the research intends to explore the importance of motivation in artistic and musical educational practice, questioning and equating all the factors that intervene directly or indirectly in the performance of the teacher, as well as to foment the interest and development of new and more in depth investigations in the field Motivation in teaching and with special focus on the specialized artistic teaching of music. It was possible to verify that the motivation is fundamental for the exercise of teaching. In order to achieve this, we found that factors of recognition, relationship and personal and professional achievement they proved to be motivational factors, and external factors such as public policies, physical conditions, salary, and employment relationships were not considered as promoters of motivation by themselves. In this way, we conclude that internal factors were more motivating factors than external factors.
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