Efeito do tipo de vedante da garrafa vs. qualidade do azeite virgem
Peres, Maria de Fátima Pratas
Anjos, Ofélia Maria Serralha dos
Anjos, Ofélia Maria Serralha dos
Azeite virgem
Cápsula metálica
Rolha cortiça
Virgin olive oil
Metallic capsule
Cork stopper
Dieta mediterrânica
Domínio/Área Científica::Ciências Agrárias
Azeite virgem
Cápsula metálica
Rolha cortiça
Virgin olive oil
Metallic capsule
Cork stopper
Dieta mediterrânica
Domínio/Área Científica::Ciências Agrárias
Muitos têm sido os estudos efetuados sobre o impacto negativo que o oxigénio exerce sobre o azeite, nomeadamente favorecendo a formação e decomposição de hidroperóxidos, originando compostos voláteis de baixo peso molecular, responsáveis pelo surgimento de defeitos sensoriais como o ranço. Estes estudos têm incidido, sobretudo, no processo de extração, na qualidade da matéria-prima e no tipo de embalagem, mas não sobre o tipo de vedante mais adequado a utilizar na garrafa final.
Neste contexto, o objetivo do presente estudo é avaliar o efeito da utilização de rolha de cortiça natural, como sistema de fecho de garrafas de vidro, na qualidade do azeite virgem ao longo do tempo de armazenamento. Este estudo relaciona dois importantes clusters ibéricos – o azeite e a cortiça.
O presente estudo consistiu numa análise comparativa entre três tipos de vedante: cápsula metálica, rolha de cortiça natural e rolha de cortiça bartop. Estudou-se a sua influência na qualidade final de azeite virgem extra com Denominação de Origem Protegida (DOP). O gargalo da garrafa com rolha de cortiça natural foi, posteriormente, coberto com cera de abelha. O azeite utilizado no estudo foi um lote de azeite virgem extra DOP “Beira Interior” extraído das cultivares ‘Galega Vulgar’ e ‘Cobrançosa’ da campanha de 2014/2015. O azeite foi engarrafado em garrafas de vidro escuro, marasca de 500 ml, vedado com os sistemas referidos anteriormente e armazenado na ausência de luz e a uma temperatura controlada (22ºC). Os resultados apresentados correspondem a 3 momentos de análise (início, 5 meses e 10 meses de embalamento
nestas condições).
Foram utilizados para medição das alterações qualitativas do azeite os métodos previstos na Regulamentação Europeia (Reg (CEE) Nº 2568/91 e posteriores alterações), nomeadamente os que medem a oxidação (índice de peróxido e absorvâncias no UV), bem como a evolução de parâmetros relacionados com o valor nutricional e sensorial do azeite virgem.
Os parâmetros de oxidação do azeite (IP e absorvâncias no UV) são significativamente mais altos para os azeites vedados com cápsula metálica. Relativamente aos compostos fenólicos (fenóis totais e tocoferóis) os resultados mostram teores mais elevados para os azeites vedados com os dois tipos de rolhas de cortiça, o que leva a uma maior estabilidade oxidativa destes azeites.
Foi realizado um questionário on-line com o objetivo de avaliar a preferência do consumidor relativamente ao tipo de vedante da garrafa de azeite. Este questionário corresponde a uma amostra representativa de 300 inquiridos.
A maioria dos consumidores prefere os vedantes de cortiça às cápsulas metálicas, revelando o interesse por materiais e soluções mais naturais e sustentáveis.
Abstract Many studies have been published about the negative impact that oxygen has on olive oil, namely promoting the formation and degradation of hidroperoxydes, originating volatile compounds of low molecular weight responsible for the degradation of the sensory profile as is rancidity. These studies have focused mainly on the extraction process, on the feedstock quality and on the type of conditioning rather than on the most effective type of bottle seal to use. This study purpose is to assess the effect of natural cork bottle seals as the closing system of glass bottles in virgin olive oil quality over storage time. It connects two important Iberian clusters – olive oil and cork – and matches the requests of the producers to research. The present study consisted of a comparative analysis between three types of bottle seals: screw cap, natural cork stopper and bartop cork. Its' influence on the quality of virgin olive oil with “Denominaçao de Origem Protegida” DOP was the parameter studied. The bottle neck from the ones with natural cork stopper was on a later stage covered with bee wax. The olive oil studied was a blend of extra virgin olive oil DOP “Beira Interior” from “Galega vulgar” and “Cobrançosa” cultivars from 2014/2015 harvest. The olive oil was bottled in dark glass bottles (500ml), sealed by the previously stated methods and stored in absence of light and at a constant temperature of 22ºC. The results presented pertain to three analysis periods (beginning, 5 months and 10 months of storage in said conditions). The methods established by the European Regulation (REG (CEE) Nº 2568/91 and subsequent regulations) were used to measure the olive oil's qualitative changes, namely regarding oxidation (peroxide value and UV absorbances) as well as the evolution of some parameters related to both nutritional and sensorial properties of virgin olive oil. The olive oil oxidation parameters (IP and UV absorbances) are significantly higher for olive oils bottled with screw cap. In what concerns phenol compounds (total phenols and tocopherols) the results showed higher contents for the olive oils with cork bottle closure, which leads to a better oxidative stability. An on-line questionnaire was performed in order to evaluate olive oil consumer preference for the bottle closure. This questionnaire was completed by a representative sample of 300 responses. The consumer preference is more positive when the bottle seal is a sustainable one, like cork, than when screw cap is used.
Abstract Many studies have been published about the negative impact that oxygen has on olive oil, namely promoting the formation and degradation of hidroperoxydes, originating volatile compounds of low molecular weight responsible for the degradation of the sensory profile as is rancidity. These studies have focused mainly on the extraction process, on the feedstock quality and on the type of conditioning rather than on the most effective type of bottle seal to use. This study purpose is to assess the effect of natural cork bottle seals as the closing system of glass bottles in virgin olive oil quality over storage time. It connects two important Iberian clusters – olive oil and cork – and matches the requests of the producers to research. The present study consisted of a comparative analysis between three types of bottle seals: screw cap, natural cork stopper and bartop cork. Its' influence on the quality of virgin olive oil with “Denominaçao de Origem Protegida” DOP was the parameter studied. The bottle neck from the ones with natural cork stopper was on a later stage covered with bee wax. The olive oil studied was a blend of extra virgin olive oil DOP “Beira Interior” from “Galega vulgar” and “Cobrançosa” cultivars from 2014/2015 harvest. The olive oil was bottled in dark glass bottles (500ml), sealed by the previously stated methods and stored in absence of light and at a constant temperature of 22ºC. The results presented pertain to three analysis periods (beginning, 5 months and 10 months of storage in said conditions). The methods established by the European Regulation (REG (CEE) Nº 2568/91 and subsequent regulations) were used to measure the olive oil's qualitative changes, namely regarding oxidation (peroxide value and UV absorbances) as well as the evolution of some parameters related to both nutritional and sensorial properties of virgin olive oil. The olive oil oxidation parameters (IP and UV absorbances) are significantly higher for olive oils bottled with screw cap. In what concerns phenol compounds (total phenols and tocopherols) the results showed higher contents for the olive oils with cork bottle closure, which leads to a better oxidative stability. An on-line questionnaire was performed in order to evaluate olive oil consumer preference for the bottle closure. This questionnaire was completed by a representative sample of 300 responses. The consumer preference is more positive when the bottle seal is a sustainable one, like cork, than when screw cap is used.
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