O papel do pensamento abstrato na aprendizagem de um instrumento musical
Carvalhinho, Miguel Nuno Marques
Pensamento abstrato
Estratégias pedagógicas
Aprendizagem da música
Abstract thinking
Pedagogical strategies
Music learning
Domínio/Área Científica : Humanidades
Estratégias pedagógicas
Aprendizagem da música
Abstract thinking
Pedagogical strategies
Music learning
Domínio/Área Científica : Humanidades
No presente trabalho pretendemos analisar o papel do pensamento abstrato na aprendizagem de um instrumento musical. Sendo a música uma arte e técnica que envolve conhecimentos e destrezas que apelam à abstração e tendo em conta que esta é uma capacidade que segundo Piaget só se adquire no estádio operatório formal, pareceu-me importante analisar esta problemática no âmbito da minha prática pedagógica.
Nesse sentido, percorri um caminho que me levou a perceber a estruturação do pensamento nos meus alunos que têm idades compreendidas entre os 10 e os 15 anos. Neste estudo tentei identificar os estádios de desenvolvimento cognitivo em que os meus alunos se situam e enquadrar os seus comportamentos e estratégias de aprendizagem nas perspetivas teóricas de Piaget e Bruner. Para isso tentei perceber a relação entre competências musicais e competências formais ou abstratas recolhendo notas de campo e propondo atividades para que eles desenvolvessem a sua capacidade de abstração.
Neste processo de intervenção e análise pude compreender que o pensamento abstrato envolve a construção de estruturas complexas que se apoia em experiências contextuais morosas e diversificadas, pelo que é difícil operar acelerações no desenvolvimento cognitivo. Os resultados encontrados evidenciam, contudo, que foi possível promover e consolidar aprendizagens significativas, levando os alunos a consciencializar o seu desempenho, as suas dificuldades e a utilizar estratégias mais adequadas aos objetivos da aprendizagem de um instrumento musical.
Abstract : In the present work we intend to analyze the role of abstract thinking in the learning of a musical instrument. Since music is an art and technique that involves knowledge and skills that appeal to abstraction and taking into account that this is a capacity that Piaget says can only be acquired at the formal operative stage, it seemed to me important to analyze this problem in the context of my pedagogical practice. In this sense, I went through a path that led me to perceive the structuring of thought in my students who are between 10 and 15 years old. In this study I attempted to identify the stages of cognitive development in which my students are situated and to frame their behaviors and learning strategies in the theoretical perspectives of Piaget and Bruner. In order to do this, I tried to understand the relationship between musical competences and formal or abstract skills by collecting field notes and proposing activities for them to develop their capacity for abstraction. In this process of intervention and analysis I was able to understand that abstract thinking involves the construction of complex structures that are based on time-consuming and diverse contextual experiences, so it is difficult to operate accelerations in cognitive development. The results show, however, that it was possible to promote and consolidate meaningful learning, leading students to become aware of their performance, their difficulties and to use strategies more appropriate to the goals of learning a musical instrument.
Abstract : In the present work we intend to analyze the role of abstract thinking in the learning of a musical instrument. Since music is an art and technique that involves knowledge and skills that appeal to abstraction and taking into account that this is a capacity that Piaget says can only be acquired at the formal operative stage, it seemed to me important to analyze this problem in the context of my pedagogical practice. In this sense, I went through a path that led me to perceive the structuring of thought in my students who are between 10 and 15 years old. In this study I attempted to identify the stages of cognitive development in which my students are situated and to frame their behaviors and learning strategies in the theoretical perspectives of Piaget and Bruner. In order to do this, I tried to understand the relationship between musical competences and formal or abstract skills by collecting field notes and proposing activities for them to develop their capacity for abstraction. In this process of intervention and analysis I was able to understand that abstract thinking involves the construction of complex structures that are based on time-consuming and diverse contextual experiences, so it is difficult to operate accelerations in cognitive development. The results show, however, that it was possible to promote and consolidate meaningful learning, leading students to become aware of their performance, their difficulties and to use strategies more appropriate to the goals of learning a musical instrument.
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