Política de educação inclusiva portuguesa : perceção dos alunos do 10º ano de escolaridade em relação aos seus pares deficientes
MARTINS, Ernesto (2017) – Política de educação inclusiva portuguesa : perceção dos alunos do 10º ano de escolaridade em relação aos seus pares deficientes. Cadernos de Pós-Graduação. ISSN 2525-3514. Vol. 16, nº 2, p. 14-36.
Política de educação inclusiva portuguesa : perceção dos alunos do 10º ano de escolaridade em relação aos seus pares deficientes
Inclusive education policy : lack of 10th grade education compared to their peers with disabilities
Inclusive education policy : lack of 10th grade education compared to their peers with disabilities
Educação inclusiva
Necessidades educativas especiais
Pedagogia diferenciada
Alunos deficientes
Apoios educativos
Inclusive education
Special educational needs
Differentiated pedagogy
Disabled students
Educational support
Necessidades educativas especiais
Pedagogia diferenciada
Alunos deficientes
Apoios educativos
Inclusive education
Special educational needs
Differentiated pedagogy
Disabled students
Educational support
Pretendemos abordar a política de inclusão dos alunos de necessidades educativas especiais (NEE) na base das perceções dos alunos ditos normais sobre os seus ‘pares’ deficientes. Norteamo-nos pelos seguintes objetivos: compreender como os alunos normais aceitam e percecionam os seus pares com NEE; conheceras respostas socioeducativas dos professores e da escola às NEE. Trata-se de um estudo de caso, de índole exploratório, analítico e descritivo, realizado em 2015,com alunos do 10.º ano de escolaridade, no Agrupamento de Escolas da raia portuguesa. Aplicámos as seguintes técnicas de recolha de dados: questionário aos alunos; entrevistas aos professores; observação documental e participante; notas de campo. Adotámos no tratamento de dados a triangulação. Os resultados confirmaram a boa relação entre escola inclusiva e pedagogia diferenciada, a convivência e relações interpessoais entre alunos. Houve integração normal dos alunos diferentes nos contextos da escola e sala de aula, reconhecendo-se a necessidade de mais apoios especializados e de orientação.
We intend to address the inclusion policy the students of special educational needs (NEE) in the base of the perceptions of the so-called normal students about their ' pairs '. Are objective: understand how the normal students accept and perceptions their peers with NEE; meet the educational responses of teachers and school at NEE. This is a case study of exploratory nature, analytical and descriptive, accomplished in 2015 with students of the 10th year of schooling, in the Grouping of Schools in the streak. Applied techniques were: questionnaire to students; interviews teachers; documentary observation and participant; field notes; data processing for data triangulation. The results confirmed the good relationship between inclusive school and differentiated pedagogy and coexistence and interpersonal relations among students. There is a normal integration of different students in school contexts and the classroom, acknowledging the need for more specialized support and guidance.
We intend to address the inclusion policy the students of special educational needs (NEE) in the base of the perceptions of the so-called normal students about their ' pairs '. Are objective: understand how the normal students accept and perceptions their peers with NEE; meet the educational responses of teachers and school at NEE. This is a case study of exploratory nature, analytical and descriptive, accomplished in 2015 with students of the 10th year of schooling, in the Grouping of Schools in the streak. Applied techniques were: questionnaire to students; interviews teachers; documentary observation and participant; field notes; data processing for data triangulation. The results confirmed the good relationship between inclusive school and differentiated pedagogy and coexistence and interpersonal relations among students. There is a normal integration of different students in school contexts and the classroom, acknowledging the need for more specialized support and guidance.
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