Desenvolvimento de iogurtes com polpa de figo-da-índia.
Anjos, Ofélia Maria Serralha dos
Peres, Maria de Fátima Pratas
Rodrigues, Ana
Peres, Maria de Fátima Pratas
Rodrigues, Ana
Força gel
Prickly pear
Gel strength
Domínio/Área Científica::Ciências Agrárias
Força gel
Prickly pear
Gel strength
Domínio/Área Científica::Ciências Agrárias
O figo-da-índia é constituído maioritariamente por água (84-90 %) e açúcares (10-15 %), predominantemente glucose e frutose. Além disso, devido ao seu conteúdo em proteínas, fibras, minerais, vitamina C, β-caroteno, niacina, riboflavina e tiamina, este fruto tem sido considerado com elevado interesse nutricional, bem como reportadas algumas atividades biológicas.
Neste contexto e dado as propriedades sobejamente conhecidas dos benefícios do iogurte, pretendeu-se desenvolver um iogurte e uma gelatina de iogurte, com polpa de figo-da-índia. A polpa foi fornecida pela Associação do Figo da Índia da Beira Baixa (AFIBB) e os iogurtes foram desenvolvidos nos laboratórios da Schreiber Foods Portugal, S.A.
Foram testadas várias formulações para o desenvolvimento dos iogurtes, tendo-se selecionado para produtos finais duas gelatinas de iogurte e dois iogurtes tipo grego: a) gelatina de iogurte 0 % de matéria gorda com 5 % de polpa de figo-da-índia e aroma de manga; b) gelatina de iogurte 0 % de matéria gorda com 2,5 % de polpa de figo-da-índia e preparado de ananás maracujá; c) iogurte tipo grego bicamada com 8 % de polpa de figo-da-índia; d) iogurte tipo grego batido com 8 % de polpa de figo-da-índia.
Foram realizados estudos de tempo de vida nos iogurtes desenvolvidos ao longo de 52 dias, para os parâmetros pH, textura e força gel. As amostras foram analisadas no 1º, 3º, 7º, 15º, 23º, 30º, 40º e 52º dias após produção.
Os resultados dos estudos de tempo de vida foram submetidos a uma análise de variância a dois fatores (tipo de iogurte e dias de armazenamento). Estes resultados indicam que existem diferenças significativas (p<0,05) para pH, textura e força gel entre os iogurtes.
Os produtos finais foram submetidos a testes de aceitabilidade e obteve-se uma avaliação positiva para os 4 produtos desenvolvidos. A gelatina de iogurte de figo-da-índia com aroma de manga e o iogurte grego de figo-da-índia em bicamada foram os mais apreciados. Com base nos parâmetros físico-químicos, o tempo de vida estimado para os produtos desenvolvidos foi de 35 dias.
Abstract: Prickly pear consist of mostly water (84-90%) and sugars (10-15%) predominantly glucose and fructose. Moreover, due to its content in proteins, fibers, minerals, vitamin C, β-carotene, niacin, riboflavin and thiamine a ligh nutritional value as well as biological activities have been reported. This aim of the present study was to develop both a yogurt and a yogurt gelatin with prickly pear pulp. The pulp was supplied by “Associação do Figo da Índia da Beira Baixa” (Prickly Pear Association of the Beira Baixa Region, Portugal). This yogurt was developed in the laboratories of Schreiber Foods Portugal, S.A. A number of trials and formulations were tested and finally two gelatins and two Greek yogurts were analyzed: a) yogurt gelatin with 0 % fat with 5 % of prickly pear pulp and mango aroma; b) yogurt gelatin with 0 % fat with 2,5 % of prickly pear pulp, passion fruit and pineapple pulp; c) whipped Greek type yogurt with 8 % of prickly pear pulp; d) bilayer Greek type yogurt with 8 % of prickly pear pulp. Shelf life tests were performed at 1st, 3rd, 7th, 15th, 23rd, 30th, 40th and 52nd days for pH, texture and gel strength parameters. The results of the shelf life tests were submitted to a two-factor analysis of variance (yogurt type and storage days). These results indicate that there are significant differences (p<0.05) for pH, texture and gel strength parameters among yogurts. The 4 final yogurts underwent a test of acceptability. They obtained a positive assessment. The most appreciated yogurts were: the yogurt gelatin of prickly pear pulp and mango aroma and the bilayer Greek yogurt of prickly pear pulp. Based on the physical-chemical parameters, the estimated shelf life for the yogurts was 35 days.
Abstract: Prickly pear consist of mostly water (84-90%) and sugars (10-15%) predominantly glucose and fructose. Moreover, due to its content in proteins, fibers, minerals, vitamin C, β-carotene, niacin, riboflavin and thiamine a ligh nutritional value as well as biological activities have been reported. This aim of the present study was to develop both a yogurt and a yogurt gelatin with prickly pear pulp. The pulp was supplied by “Associação do Figo da Índia da Beira Baixa” (Prickly Pear Association of the Beira Baixa Region, Portugal). This yogurt was developed in the laboratories of Schreiber Foods Portugal, S.A. A number of trials and formulations were tested and finally two gelatins and two Greek yogurts were analyzed: a) yogurt gelatin with 0 % fat with 5 % of prickly pear pulp and mango aroma; b) yogurt gelatin with 0 % fat with 2,5 % of prickly pear pulp, passion fruit and pineapple pulp; c) whipped Greek type yogurt with 8 % of prickly pear pulp; d) bilayer Greek type yogurt with 8 % of prickly pear pulp. Shelf life tests were performed at 1st, 3rd, 7th, 15th, 23rd, 30th, 40th and 52nd days for pH, texture and gel strength parameters. The results of the shelf life tests were submitted to a two-factor analysis of variance (yogurt type and storage days). These results indicate that there are significant differences (p<0.05) for pH, texture and gel strength parameters among yogurts. The 4 final yogurts underwent a test of acceptability. They obtained a positive assessment. The most appreciated yogurts were: the yogurt gelatin of prickly pear pulp and mango aroma and the bilayer Greek yogurt of prickly pear pulp. Based on the physical-chemical parameters, the estimated shelf life for the yogurts was 35 days.
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