Respiração circular : método pedagógico de iniciação para fagote
Pinho, José Francisco Bastos Dias de
Carreira, Carolino António Silva Neves
Carreira, Carolino António Silva Neves
Respiração circular
Pedagogia musical
Ensino de música
Circular breathing
Musical pedagogy
Music teaching
Domínio/Área Científica : Humanidades
Pedagogia musical
Ensino de música
Circular breathing
Musical pedagogy
Music teaching
Domínio/Área Científica : Humanidades
O presente relatório reflete a prática de ensino desenvolvida no estágio realizado
no âmbito da unidade curricular de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, bem como o
trabalho de investigação desenvolvido no âmbito da unidade curricular de Projeto do
Ensino Artístico, estando dividido em duas partes.
A primeira parte aborda a Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, onde se faz a
caracterização da escola e dos alunos, onde se apresentam as planificações e
relatórios de aula, apresentando-se também uma reflexão crítica do trabalho
desenvolvido ao longo do estágio.
Na segunda parte é exposto o trabalho de investigação desenvolvido, sob o título
Respiração Circular Método Pedagógico de Iniciação para Fagote. A falta de um
método de iniciação de respiração circular e a inexistência de uma pedagogia
adequada e adaptada para a sua iniciação em Portugal, foram o mote para a
realização desta investigação. Devido a estes factos e conhecendo o sucesso que esta
técnica tem nos dias de hoje, especialmente no repertório moderno, bem como o
sucesso da sua adaptação para outros instrumentos, pretende-se estudar se as
metodologias desta técnica podem-se aplicar com sucesso no ensino em Portugal.
Para tal, desenvolveu-se um estudo baseado nos princípios basilares da técnica,
incluindo a criação de um método de respiração circular para iniciantes.
Abstract : The Master thesis reflects the teaching practice developed within the course of the curricular unity of Supervised Teaching Practice, as well as the research work developed within the course of the curricular unity Project of Artistic Music Education. This thesis is divided into two parts. The first part addresses the Supervised Teaching Practice, where is done the characterization of the school and students, where are shown the lesson plans, classroom reports and also presenting a critical reflexion of the work developed over the full length of the course. In the second part is exposed the research work, under the title Circular Breathing Pedagogy Method for Bassoon Beginners. The inexistence of an appropriate and adapted circular breathing pedagogy method written in Portuguese was the motto to the completion of this research. Due to these facts and knowing the success that circular breathing technique has in this days, to play avant guard music repertoire, as well as the success of its adaptation to other instruments, it’s intended to study if the methodologies of this technique can be applied successfully in the music conservatoires, academies and universities in Portugal. For this end, a study was developed based on the guiding principles of this technique and including a new circular breathing pedagogy method for bassoon beginners in Portuguese, that was lacking in the bassoon data base.
Abstract : The Master thesis reflects the teaching practice developed within the course of the curricular unity of Supervised Teaching Practice, as well as the research work developed within the course of the curricular unity Project of Artistic Music Education. This thesis is divided into two parts. The first part addresses the Supervised Teaching Practice, where is done the characterization of the school and students, where are shown the lesson plans, classroom reports and also presenting a critical reflexion of the work developed over the full length of the course. In the second part is exposed the research work, under the title Circular Breathing Pedagogy Method for Bassoon Beginners. The inexistence of an appropriate and adapted circular breathing pedagogy method written in Portuguese was the motto to the completion of this research. Due to these facts and knowing the success that circular breathing technique has in this days, to play avant guard music repertoire, as well as the success of its adaptation to other instruments, it’s intended to study if the methodologies of this technique can be applied successfully in the music conservatoires, academies and universities in Portugal. For this end, a study was developed based on the guiding principles of this technique and including a new circular breathing pedagogy method for bassoon beginners in Portuguese, that was lacking in the bassoon data base.