LOPES, Ana ; GIL, Henrique (2018) - O skype na promoção do trabalho colaborativo entre diferentes contextos de Educação Pré-Escolar. In Congresso Internacional TIC e Educação, 5, Lisboa, 6-8 de setembro –Technology Enhanced Learning : livro de atas. Lisboa : Instituto de Educação da Universidade de Lisboa. p. 403-415.
O skype na promoção do trabalho colaborativo entre diferentes contextos de educação pré-escolar
Educação Pré-Escolar
Prática de Ensino Supervisionada (PES)
Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação
Pre-School Education
Supervised Teaching Practice
Information and Communication Technologies
Prática de Ensino Supervisionada (PES)
Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação
Pre-School Education
Supervised Teaching Practice
Information and Communication Technologies
A investigação realizada teve como objetivos refletir e problematizar o contributo do Skype numa melhoria das aprendizagens em contexto de Educação Pré-Escolar. Assumindo uma importância cada vez maior, as tecnologias digitais estão, cada vez, mais presentes na vida quotidiana de todos, inclusive das crianças.
Neste sentido, esta investigação teve como objetivo promover a comunicação e intercâmbio entre crianças de duas salas de jardim de infância em diferentes contextos pré-escolares através da aplicação Skype no sentido de se melhorarem as respetivas aprendizagens. Esta investigação realizou-se no Jardim de Infância da Quinta das Violetas, em Castelo Branco, no qual participaram 20 crianças com idades compreendidas entre os 3 e os 5 anos, as quais interagiram com outras 20 crianças, com o mesmo intervalo de idades, do Jardim de Infância de S. Miguel, em Enxara do Bispo.
Em termos metodológicos, optou-se por uma abordagem de tipo investigação-ação. A observação participante constituiu a técnica principal, com recurso a registo de imagens e notas de campo. Os participantes da investigação foram: a própria investigadora, os grupos de crianças, e respetivos educadores de infância das duas salas intervenientes. Realizaram-se, também, inquéritos por questionário aos encarregados de educação e inquéritos por entrevista a duas educadoras da instituição que não participaram na investigação.
A análise dos dados revela um nível de participação ativa das crianças em atividades que envolvem as TIC notando-se um clima de maior motivação, de acordo com os registos vídeo e das notas de campo. Quanto às entrevistas realizadas às educadoras de infância, após a análise de conteúdo, é dada grande importância às TIC, porém verifica-se a existência de uma falha quanto à formação dos docentes nesta área. Em relação aos inquéritos por questionário, aplicados aos encarregados de educação, verifica-se que, em termos globais, a utilização das TIC em contexto educativo, é vista como um aspeto positivo
The objective of this study is to reflect and question the benefits of using Skype to improve learning in the context of Pre-School Education. Digital technologies have, with each passing day, a higher role of importance in people’s everyday life, including the children’s. In this sense, this study had as objective to promote communication and interchange between children from two kindergarten rooms with different school contexts by using the digital app Skype. The study took place in the Kindergarten Jardim das Violetas, with the participation of 20 children aged between 3 and 5 years old, who interacted with other children of the same age group from kindergarten teacher H. S.’s «Yellow Room« in the Kindergarten S. Miguel in Enxara do Bispo. Methodologically, we chose a research-action type of approach, resorting to several tools and data collection techniques. The main techniques focused on the participant observation, recording image and field notes from the participants the groups of children and the supervisor’s teachers. We also carried out enquiries with the parents and used semi structured interviews to conduct interviews with three of the teachers in the the Kindergarten Jardim das Violetas to gather opinions on the use of TIC (Information Technology and Communication), specifically Skype, in a context of Pre-School Education. The analysis done to the collected data shows an active level of participation from the children when doing activities using TIC, where a situation of higher concentration and motivation is noticeable. Considering the semi structured interviews conducted with the teachers from the institution we can see the great importance is given to TIC, despite the lack of teacher training in this area. Analysing the enquiries made, we can see a strong rapport between the importance of using TIC with children of pre-school education contexts.
The objective of this study is to reflect and question the benefits of using Skype to improve learning in the context of Pre-School Education. Digital technologies have, with each passing day, a higher role of importance in people’s everyday life, including the children’s. In this sense, this study had as objective to promote communication and interchange between children from two kindergarten rooms with different school contexts by using the digital app Skype. The study took place in the Kindergarten Jardim das Violetas, with the participation of 20 children aged between 3 and 5 years old, who interacted with other children of the same age group from kindergarten teacher H. S.’s «Yellow Room« in the Kindergarten S. Miguel in Enxara do Bispo. Methodologically, we chose a research-action type of approach, resorting to several tools and data collection techniques. The main techniques focused on the participant observation, recording image and field notes from the participants the groups of children and the supervisor’s teachers. We also carried out enquiries with the parents and used semi structured interviews to conduct interviews with three of the teachers in the the Kindergarten Jardim das Violetas to gather opinions on the use of TIC (Information Technology and Communication), specifically Skype, in a context of Pre-School Education. The analysis done to the collected data shows an active level of participation from the children when doing activities using TIC, where a situation of higher concentration and motivation is noticeable. Considering the semi structured interviews conducted with the teachers from the institution we can see the great importance is given to TIC, despite the lack of teacher training in this area. Analysing the enquiries made, we can see a strong rapport between the importance of using TIC with children of pre-school education contexts.
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