GIL, Henrique ; GODINHO, Joana (2019) - Aplicação pedagógica do «QR Code» em contexto da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada no 1.º CEB. In Conferência Ibérica de Inovação na Educação com TIC, 5, Bragança, 7-8 fevereiro - ieTIC2019 : atas. Bragança : Instituto Politécnico. p. 177-189.
Aplicação pedagógica do «QR Code» em contexto da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada no 1.º CEB
Pedagogical application of the QR Code in the context of the Supervised Teaching Practice in Basic Education
Pedagogical application of the QR Code in the context of the Supervised Teaching Practice in Basic Education
1.º CEB
Prática de Ensino Supervisionada
QR Code
1st CEB
Supervised teaching practice
QR Code
Prática de Ensino Supervisionada
QR Code
1st CEB
Supervised teaching practice
QR Code
Estando a Sociedade imersa na Era Digital a Escola não pode ficar alheia a esta exigência.
Assim, é importante criarem-se condições para que se comecem a incluir as ferramentas
digitais nas práticas educativas. Este artigo apresenta uma investigação realizada com uma
turma do 4.º ano do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico envolvendo 20 alunos, onde se utilizaram
atividades com a aplicação digital «QR Code», na qualidade de ‘software educativo’ sendo
essa a razão da sua utilização em contexto da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, com duração de 3 sessões. A investigação teve caráter qualitativo, tendo por base instrumentos como observação participante, notas de campo, registos fotográficos, entrevistas semiestruturadas e inquéritos por questionário. As atividades com o «QR Code» incluíram pesquisas na Internet que envolveram recolha de informação e imagens e posterior codificação. A forma como as atividades foram realizadas permitiu melhores aprendizagens quer ao nível dos conteúdos envolvidos quer da escrita
Being immersed in the Digital Age society the school cannot be unrelated to this requirement. Thus, it is important to create conditions for them to begin to include the digital tools in educational practices. This article presents a research conducted with a class of the fourth year of the first Cycle of basic education involving 20 students, where used with digital implementation activities «QR Code», as 'educational software' being this the reason for your use in context of Supervised teaching Practice, with duration of 3 sessions. The investigation had qualitative character, based on instruments such as participant observation, field notes, photographic records, semi-structured interviews and surveys. The activities with the «QR Code» included Internet searches involving information gathering and images and later encoding. The way in which the activities were conducted enabled best learnings in terms of content involved or the writing
Being immersed in the Digital Age society the school cannot be unrelated to this requirement. Thus, it is important to create conditions for them to begin to include the digital tools in educational practices. This article presents a research conducted with a class of the fourth year of the first Cycle of basic education involving 20 students, where used with digital implementation activities «QR Code», as 'educational software' being this the reason for your use in context of Supervised teaching Practice, with duration of 3 sessions. The investigation had qualitative character, based on instruments such as participant observation, field notes, photographic records, semi-structured interviews and surveys. The activities with the «QR Code» included Internet searches involving information gathering and images and later encoding. The way in which the activities were conducted enabled best learnings in terms of content involved or the writing
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