Higienização das mãos : comparação da eficácia de uma solução alcoólica com a eficácia de alcoól a 70%
NUNES, Rafaela ; RODRIGUES, Francisco (2019) - Higienização das mãos : comparação da eficácia de uma solução alcoólica com a eficácia de álcool a 70%. HIGEIA : Revista Científica da Escola Superior de Saúde Dr. Lopes Dias. ISSN 2184-5565. Ano I, vol.1, n.º 1, p. 71-79.
Higienização das mãos : comparação da eficácia de uma solução alcoólica com a eficácia de alcoól a 70%
Hand hygiene : comparasion of the efficacy of an alcoholic solution with the efficacy of alcohol at 70%
Hand hygiene : comparasion of the efficacy of an alcoholic solution with the efficacy of alcohol at 70%
Higiene das mãos
Hand Hygiene
Hand Hygiene
Os métodos para manter as mãos desinfetadas visam
reduzir a prevalência de microrganismos que persistem
no meio ambiente rompendo o ciclo de infeção.
A higiene das mãos é a ação isolada mais importante
no controlo de infeções em serviços de saúde, mas
a falta de adesão dos profissionais é uma realidade
constatada ao longo dos anos.
Os objetivos foram comparar a eficácia de uma solução
alcoólica com a eficácia de álcool a 70% na higiene
das mãos e avaliar o conhecimento que os Estudantes
da Escola Superior de Saúde Dr. Lopes Dias
têm da higienização das mãos.
Trinta Estudantes responderam a um questionário
sobre higienização das mãos e posteriormente foram
distribuídos de forma aleatória em dois grupos,
com 15 elementos cada. O Grupo A utilizou uma
solução alcoólica (Promanum) para a higienização
das mãos e o Grupo B utilizou álcool a 70%, tendo
utilizado a mesma técnica de lavagem. As amostras
bacterianas foram obtidas das mãos dos participantes
imediatamente após a lavagem, com recurso a
zaragatoa e cultivadas em gelose de sangue. Após
24 horas foram contadas as colónias e analisados os
A maioria dos participantes deste estudo são do
sexo feminino e com idade compreendida entre os
19 e os 23 anos. 99% sabiam da existência de técnicas
corretas da higiene das mãos e 70% tiveram
formação prévia sobre higiene das mãos durante o
seu percurso académico. Quanto à eficácia dos produtos
testados, a solução alcoólica revelou-se mais
eficaz (100%) do que o álcool a 70% (86,67%). É de
referir a necessidade de um estudo mais aprofundado
no que diz respeito ao álcool a 70%, com outras
variáveis nomeadamente o tempo de lavagem e a
técnica utilizada. Constatou-se que toda a população
de Estudantes tem conhecimento da existência de
técnicas corretas da higiene das mãos, contudo apenas
dois dos cinco cursos de licenciatura atualmente
existentes têm formação específica para a correta
higiene das mãos.
ABSTRACT: Methods for keeping disinfected hands are aimed at reducing the prevalence of persisting microorganisms in the environment by breaking the infection cycle. Hand hygiene is the most important single action in the control of infections in health services, but the lack of adherence of professionals is a reality verified over the years. The objectives were to compare the efficacy of an alcohol solution with 70% alcohol efficacy in hand hygiene and to evaluate the knowledge that the Students of the Higher School of Health Dr. Lopes Dias have of hand hygiene. Thirty students answered a questionnaire about hand hygiene and were randomly distributed in two groups, with 15 elements each. Group A used an alcohol solution (Promanum) for hand hygiene and Group B used 70% alcohol and used the same washing technique. The bacterial samples were obtained from the participants’ hands immediately after washing, using swabs and cultured in blood agar. After 24 hours the colonies were counted and the results analyzed. The majority of participants in this study are female and aged between 19 and 23 years. 99% knew of correct hand hygiene techniques and 70% had previous training in hand hygiene during their academic career. As to the efficacy of the products tested, the alcoholic solution proved to be more effective (100%) than the 70% alcohol (86.67%). It is worth mentioning the need for a more in-depth study with regard to alcohol at 70%, with other variables namely the wash time and the technique used. It was found that the entire student population is aware of the existence of correct hand hygiene techniques, however, only two of the five undergraduate courses currently in existence have specific training for correct hand hygiene.
ABSTRACT: Methods for keeping disinfected hands are aimed at reducing the prevalence of persisting microorganisms in the environment by breaking the infection cycle. Hand hygiene is the most important single action in the control of infections in health services, but the lack of adherence of professionals is a reality verified over the years. The objectives were to compare the efficacy of an alcohol solution with 70% alcohol efficacy in hand hygiene and to evaluate the knowledge that the Students of the Higher School of Health Dr. Lopes Dias have of hand hygiene. Thirty students answered a questionnaire about hand hygiene and were randomly distributed in two groups, with 15 elements each. Group A used an alcohol solution (Promanum) for hand hygiene and Group B used 70% alcohol and used the same washing technique. The bacterial samples were obtained from the participants’ hands immediately after washing, using swabs and cultured in blood agar. After 24 hours the colonies were counted and the results analyzed. The majority of participants in this study are female and aged between 19 and 23 years. 99% knew of correct hand hygiene techniques and 70% had previous training in hand hygiene during their academic career. As to the efficacy of the products tested, the alcoholic solution proved to be more effective (100%) than the 70% alcohol (86.67%). It is worth mentioning the need for a more in-depth study with regard to alcohol at 70%, with other variables namely the wash time and the technique used. It was found that the entire student population is aware of the existence of correct hand hygiene techniques, however, only two of the five undergraduate courses currently in existence have specific training for correct hand hygiene.
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