RIBEIRO, Inês ; COELHO, Patrícia ; PEREIRA, Alexandre (2019) - Estudo de pressão arterial em crianças e adolescentes. HIGEIA : Revista Científica da Escola Superior de Saúde Dr. Lopes Dias. ISSN 2184-5565. Ano I, vol.1, n.º 1, p. 81-89.
Estudo de pressão arterial em crianças e adolescentes
Study of blood pressure in children and adolescents
Study of blood pressure in children and adolescents
Determinar a prevalência de Hipertensão Arterial
na população infantojuvenil a frequentar escolas do
Concelho de Castelo Branco.
Materiais e Métodos
Estudo observacional transversal tendo a sua amostra
sido recolhida juntos das crianças e adolescentes das
escolas públicas e privadas do Concelho de Castelo
Branco. A amostra é constituída por 336 indivíduos
entre os 6 e os 15 anos, sendo 44,3 % do género
masculino e 55,7% do género feminino. A avaliação
de pressão arterial foi realizada duas vezes com um
período de repouso de cinco minutos entre cada
uma através do método auscultatório.
Resultados Principais
A prevalência de hipertensão arterial infantojuvenil
foi de 10,7%, sendo que no género masculino foi
encontrada uma prevalência de 10,1% e no género
feminino de 11,2%. Verificou-se ainda que a préhipertensão
arterial foi uma variável muito presente
na população estudada com 8,3% de prevalência.
Quanto aos fatores de risco estudados o mais
prevalente foi a obesidade com 6,3% e 28,3% de
excesso de peso, a adicionar a este contexto está o
facto de 61% dos menores não realizarem qualquer
exercício físico fora do contexto escolar.
Este estudo permitiu perceber que existe uma
elevada taxa de prevalência de HTA num grupo
amostral em idade infantojuvenil assim como uma
prevalência de obesidade, nesta amostra, muito
elevada e até alarmante, tendo em conta a idade dos
participantes no estudo.
ABSTRACT: Objective This study’s aim is to determine and study the prevalence of Arterial Hypertension in the child and adolescent population attending schools in the county of Castelo Branco. In addition, it is also one of the objectives to identify the behavior of the risk factors in this population and, as far as possible, to carry out some health education among the younger people. Materials and Methods The present study is observational transversal and its sample was collected from children and adolescents of the public and private schools of the Municipality of Castelo Branco. The sample consisted of 336 individuals between the ages of 6 and 15, with 44.3% of the male gender and 55.7% of the female gender. The blood pressure assessment was performed twice with a rest period of five minutes between each measurement and using auscultation method. Main results The prevalence of Childhood Hypertension found in this sample was 10,7%; in the male gender, a prevalence of 10,1% was found, and in the female gender it was 11,2%. It was also verified that the Arterial Pre-Hypertension was a very present variable in the studied population with 8,3% of prevalence. Regarding the risk factors, the most prevalent was obesity with 6.3% and 28,3 % of overweight, adding to 61% of children who did not perform any physical exercise outside the school context. Conclusion This study revealed that there is a high prevalence rate of hypertension in a sample of children and adolescents, and that the prevalence of obesity in this sample is very high and alarming, considering the age of the study participants.
ABSTRACT: Objective This study’s aim is to determine and study the prevalence of Arterial Hypertension in the child and adolescent population attending schools in the county of Castelo Branco. In addition, it is also one of the objectives to identify the behavior of the risk factors in this population and, as far as possible, to carry out some health education among the younger people. Materials and Methods The present study is observational transversal and its sample was collected from children and adolescents of the public and private schools of the Municipality of Castelo Branco. The sample consisted of 336 individuals between the ages of 6 and 15, with 44.3% of the male gender and 55.7% of the female gender. The blood pressure assessment was performed twice with a rest period of five minutes between each measurement and using auscultation method. Main results The prevalence of Childhood Hypertension found in this sample was 10,7%; in the male gender, a prevalence of 10,1% was found, and in the female gender it was 11,2%. It was also verified that the Arterial Pre-Hypertension was a very present variable in the studied population with 8,3% of prevalence. Regarding the risk factors, the most prevalent was obesity with 6.3% and 28,3 % of overweight, adding to 61% of children who did not perform any physical exercise outside the school context. Conclusion This study revealed that there is a high prevalence rate of hypertension in a sample of children and adolescents, and that the prevalence of obesity in this sample is very high and alarming, considering the age of the study participants.
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