TOMAZ, Telma ; COELHO, Patrícia ; PEREIRA, Alexandre (2019) - Programa da pressão arterial da Beira Baixa, hipotensão ortostática: concelho de Proença-a-Nova. HIGEIA : Revista Científica da Escola Superior de Saúde Dr. Lopes Dias. ISSN 2184-5565. Ano I, vol. 2, n.º 2, p. 7-15.
Programa da pressão arterial da Beira Baixa, hipotensão ortostática: concelho de Proença-a-Nova
Beira Baixa’s blood pressure program, orthostatic hypotension: county of Proença-a-Nova
Beira Baixa’s blood pressure program, orthostatic hypotension: county of Proença-a-Nova
Pressão arterial
Hipotensão ortostática
Fatores de risco
Blood pressure
Orthostatic hypotension
Risk factors
Hipotensão ortostática
Fatores de risco
Blood pressure
Orthostatic hypotension
Risk factors
Introdução: O presente estudo encontra-se inserido no Programa da Pressão Arterial da Beira Baixa.
Objetivos: Identificar a prevalência hipotensão ortostática e respetivos fatores de risco associados.
Métodos: Estudo analítico, observacional, transversal, tendo por base a avaliação da pressão arterial com o indivíduo sentado e após 3 minutos uma outra avaliação em posição ortostática. Foi ainda aplicado um questionário alusivo aos fatores de risco. Amostra é constituída por 927 indivíduos, obtidos através de seleção aleatória por clusters, dos quais 59,4% pertencem ao género feminino e 40,6% ao género masculino, com idades compreendidas entre os 19 e os 99 anos. A recolha de dados decorreu durante agosto de 2017 e março de 2019.
Resultados: A prevalência de hipotensão ortostática em adultos no concelho de Proença-a-Nova foi de 5,3%, dos quais 71,4% pertencem ao género feminino e 28,6% ao género masculino, a faixa etária dos 60-69 anos e os indivíduos obesos registaram maiores taxas de hipotensão ortostática. A Hipotensão Ortostática não teve relação estatisticamente significativa com nenhum dos fatores de risco estudados, destaca-se apenas o AVC, no qual nenhum indivíduo deste estudo apresentou HO.
Conclusão: Apesar da baixa prevalência, esta é uma condição clínica que deve ser incluída na rotina dos profissionais de saúde, sendo que a HO representa um importante fator de morbilidade e de mortalidade.
Abstract Introduction This study is part of the Programa de Pressão Arterial da Beira Baixa. Objectives To identify the prevalence of orthostatic hypotension and its risk factors in the Beira Baixa region, particularly in Proença-a-Nova, with the intention of signalizing them and enabling appropriate follow-up by a team of health professionals. Methods Analytical, observational, cross-sectional study. A sample of 927 individuals, obtained through random cluster selection, of which 59.4% were female and 40.6% male, aged 19 to 99 years. Data collection took place from August 2017 to March 2019. Based on the assessment of blood pressure with the individual sitting and after 3 minutes another assessment in an orthostatic position, and finally a questionnaire alluding to risk factors. Results The prevalence of orthostatic hypotension in adults in Proença-a-Nova was 5.3%, of which 71.4% were female and 28.6% male, 60-69 years old and older. Obese individuals reported higher rates of orthostatic hypotension. Orthostatic hypotension had no statistically significant relationship with any of the risk factors studied, but only stroke, in which no individual had OH. Conclusion The prevalence of orthostatic hypotension in adults in Proença-a-Nova was 5.3%, of which 71.4% were female and 28.6% male, 60-69 years old and older. Obese individuals had higher rates of orthostatic hypotension. Statistically the prevalence of OH is independent of all risk factors studied, stroke is highlighted, in which no individual had OH.
Abstract Introduction This study is part of the Programa de Pressão Arterial da Beira Baixa. Objectives To identify the prevalence of orthostatic hypotension and its risk factors in the Beira Baixa region, particularly in Proença-a-Nova, with the intention of signalizing them and enabling appropriate follow-up by a team of health professionals. Methods Analytical, observational, cross-sectional study. A sample of 927 individuals, obtained through random cluster selection, of which 59.4% were female and 40.6% male, aged 19 to 99 years. Data collection took place from August 2017 to March 2019. Based on the assessment of blood pressure with the individual sitting and after 3 minutes another assessment in an orthostatic position, and finally a questionnaire alluding to risk factors. Results The prevalence of orthostatic hypotension in adults in Proença-a-Nova was 5.3%, of which 71.4% were female and 28.6% male, 60-69 years old and older. Obese individuals reported higher rates of orthostatic hypotension. Orthostatic hypotension had no statistically significant relationship with any of the risk factors studied, but only stroke, in which no individual had OH. Conclusion The prevalence of orthostatic hypotension in adults in Proença-a-Nova was 5.3%, of which 71.4% were female and 28.6% male, 60-69 years old and older. Obese individuals had higher rates of orthostatic hypotension. Statistically the prevalence of OH is independent of all risk factors studied, stroke is highlighted, in which no individual had OH.
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