MENDO, Miguel ; COELHO, Patrícia ; PEREIRA, Alexandre (2019) - Perfil eletrocardiográfico em toxicodependentes. HIGEIA : Revista Científica da Escola Superior de Saúde Dr. Lopes Dias. ISSN 2184-5565. Ano I, vol. 2, n.º 2, p. 39-47.
Perfil eletrocardiográfico em toxicodependentes
Electrocardiographic profile in drug users
Electrocardiographic profile in drug users
Drogas ilícitas
Consumidores de drogas
Street drugs
Drug users
Consumidores de drogas
Street drugs
Drug users
Introdução: As alterações cardíacas provocadas pelo consumo de drogas têm sido pouco estudadas, embora se saiba que o consumo das mesmas pode afetar a saúde cardíaca dos indivíduos que as consomem.
Objetivo: Com este estudo pretendeu-se aprofundar quais as alterações cardíacas provocadas pelo consumo de drogas, comparando o perfil eletrocardiográfico de indivíduos sem historial de consumo de substâncias psicoativas ilícitas com o perfil de indivíduos toxicodependentes recuperados ou em recuperação.
Métodos: Estudo do tipo transversal (analítico observacional) com uma amostra não probabilística, constituída por 2 grupos de 50 indivíduos cada, que cumpriam todos os critérios de inclusão.
Resultados: A amplitude média da onda P no grupo de estudo foi de 1.5±0,4 mm, e no grupo de controlo de 1.3±0,5mm com um p value =0,060, o que indica uma diferença marginalmente significativa entre os grupos. Quanto à duração da onda P no grupo de estudo esta apresenta uma duração média de 0,10±0,02 segundos e no grupo de controlo de 0,08±0,01 segundos com um p-value <0,001, o que mostrou haver diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os grupos. Analisando a duração do complexo QRS verificámos que no grupo de estudo este apresenta uma duração média de 0,09±0,02 segundos enquanto no grupo de controlo a duração média é de 0,07±0,02 segundos, o que também se revelou estatisticamente significativo com um p-value <0,001.
Conclusão: Foram encontradas diferenças significativas na duração da onda P e na duração do QRS.
Abstract Introduction Cardiac alterations induced by illicit substances abuse have been studied little, though it is known that drug use can affect the cardiac health of individuals who consume them. Objective With this study it is intended to deepen which are the cardiac alterations provoked by drug abuse, comparing the electrocardiographic profile of individuals without a history of illicit psychoactive substances use with the profile of recovering drug addicts or on recovery. Methods This is a cross-sectional study (observational analytic), had a non-probabilistic sample, composed by 2 groups of 50 subjects each, that met all inclusion criteria. Results The mean amplitude of the P wave in the study group was of 1.5±0,4 mm, and of 1.3±0,5mm in the control group with a p value =0,060, which translates into a marginally significant difference between groups. As to the duration of the P wave presented by the study group, it was verified that it had a mean duration of 0,10±0,02 seconds and of 0,08±0,01 seconds in the control group with a p-value <0,001, in this case it was verified a statistically significant difference. Analyzing the duration of the QRS complex it was shown that in the study group it presented a mean duration of 0,09±0,02 seconds while in the control group the mean duration was 0,07±0,02 seconds, which was statistically significant between group, with a p-value <0,001. Conclusion Significant differences were found in the duration of the P wave and the duration of QRS.
Abstract Introduction Cardiac alterations induced by illicit substances abuse have been studied little, though it is known that drug use can affect the cardiac health of individuals who consume them. Objective With this study it is intended to deepen which are the cardiac alterations provoked by drug abuse, comparing the electrocardiographic profile of individuals without a history of illicit psychoactive substances use with the profile of recovering drug addicts or on recovery. Methods This is a cross-sectional study (observational analytic), had a non-probabilistic sample, composed by 2 groups of 50 subjects each, that met all inclusion criteria. Results The mean amplitude of the P wave in the study group was of 1.5±0,4 mm, and of 1.3±0,5mm in the control group with a p value =0,060, which translates into a marginally significant difference between groups. As to the duration of the P wave presented by the study group, it was verified that it had a mean duration of 0,10±0,02 seconds and of 0,08±0,01 seconds in the control group with a p-value <0,001, in this case it was verified a statistically significant difference. Analyzing the duration of the QRS complex it was shown that in the study group it presented a mean duration of 0,09±0,02 seconds while in the control group the mean duration was 0,07±0,02 seconds, which was statistically significant between group, with a p-value <0,001. Conclusion Significant differences were found in the duration of the P wave and the duration of QRS.
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