Arranjos para o desenvolvimento técnico e motivação do aluno no ensino da guitarra
Carvalhinho, Miguel Nuno Marques
Arranjos musicais
Técnica do instrumento
Ensino da música
Responsabilidades do professor
Musical arrangements
Instrument technique
Music teaching
Responsibilities of the professor
Domínio/Área Científica : Humanidades
Técnica do instrumento
Ensino da música
Responsabilidades do professor
Musical arrangements
Instrument technique
Music teaching
Responsibilities of the professor
Domínio/Área Científica : Humanidades
Este documento é constituído por duas partes; a primeira, realizada no âmbito da disciplina de prática de ensino supervisionada, diz respeito ao relatório de estágio que foi realizado na Academia de Música de Castelo de Paiva no ano letivo de 2018/2019. Será feita a caracterização da escola, assim como, critérios de avaliação, planificações anuais, planos e relatórios de aulas e uma reflexão final. A segunda, desenvolvida no âmbito da disciplina de projeto de ensino artístico de mestrado em ensino da música, diz respeito ao trabalho de investigação feito na mesma academia, onde é analisado a importância do tema em questão, os arranjos.
Arranjos musicais são ferramentas muito uteis devido à capacidade de serem ajus-tadas facilmente às características de cada aluno. Contudo, por muito vantajoso que seja esta ideia, é crucial ser bem aplicada. Com esta finalidade, estudaremos os concei-tos importantes como a motivação, responsabilidades do professor e que tipo de re-portório é mais adequado aos alunos. No que diz respeito aos arranjos, para alem da sua definição, será também analisado o termo didático; que tipo de desafio é saudável para os alunos nestas obras e por último, formas de estimular a criatividade e reconhe-cimento do instrumento, através deste conceito.
Esta investigação é constituída dois grupos de alunos; o primeiro é completamente dedicado ao contexto de aula individual, e para o segundo, um ensemble de guitarras. Os objetivos serão resolver dificuldades técnicas dos estudantes de forma mais precisa e eficaz, promovendo um estudo regular através de temas que os alunos apreciam.
Abstract : This document consists of two parts; the first, carried out in the context of supervi-sed teaching practice, concerns the internship report that was held at the Academia de Música de Castelo de Paiva in the 2018/2019. The characterization of the school will be made, as well as evaluation criteria, annual planning, plans and lesson reports and a final reflection. The second, developed in the context of the discipline of Project of the Arts Education in the Music Education Master’s., concerns the research work done in the same academy, where the importance of the theme in question, the arrangements, is analyzed. Musical arrangements are very useful tools due to the ability to be easily adjusted to the characteristics of each student. However advantageous this idea is, it is crucial to be well applied. For this purpose, we will study important concepts such as motiva-tion, teacher responsibilities and what type of repertoire is best suited to students. With regard to arrangements, in order to its definition, the didactic term will also be analyzed; what kind of challenge is healthy for students and finally, ways to stimulate creativity and recognition of the instrument, through this concept. This investigation consists of two groups of students; the first is completely dedica-ted to the context of individual class, and for the second, an ensemble of guitars. The objectives will be to solve technical difficulties of students more accurately and effecti-vely, promoting a regular study through topics that students appreciate.
Abstract : This document consists of two parts; the first, carried out in the context of supervi-sed teaching practice, concerns the internship report that was held at the Academia de Música de Castelo de Paiva in the 2018/2019. The characterization of the school will be made, as well as evaluation criteria, annual planning, plans and lesson reports and a final reflection. The second, developed in the context of the discipline of Project of the Arts Education in the Music Education Master’s., concerns the research work done in the same academy, where the importance of the theme in question, the arrangements, is analyzed. Musical arrangements are very useful tools due to the ability to be easily adjusted to the characteristics of each student. However advantageous this idea is, it is crucial to be well applied. For this purpose, we will study important concepts such as motiva-tion, teacher responsibilities and what type of repertoire is best suited to students. With regard to arrangements, in order to its definition, the didactic term will also be analyzed; what kind of challenge is healthy for students and finally, ways to stimulate creativity and recognition of the instrument, through this concept. This investigation consists of two groups of students; the first is completely dedica-ted to the context of individual class, and for the second, an ensemble of guitars. The objectives will be to solve technical difficulties of students more accurately and effecti-vely, promoting a regular study through topics that students appreciate.
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