A criatividade no ensino de música : estratégias de desenvolvimento da criatividade nas aulas de contrabaixo
A criatividade no ensino de música : estratégias de desenvolvimento da criatividade nas aulas de contrabaixo
Pereira, Cristina Maria Gonçalves
Aguiar, Adriano Augusto Martins da Rocha Oliveira
Aguiar, Adriano Augusto Martins da Rocha Oliveira
Estratégias para a aprendizagem criativa
Desenvolvimento musical
Domínio/Área Científica : Humanidades
Estratégias para a aprendizagem criativa
Desenvolvimento musical
Domínio/Área Científica : Humanidades
A presente obra trata-se de uma investigação-ação, cujo objetivo é precisamente melhorar a prática pedagógica, apoiando-se em ações de observação, reflexão, planificação e aplicação de novas estratégias, no contexto prático da sala de aula.
Fundamentalmente, procurou-se estabelecer estratégias que permitam fomentar a criatividade no ensino de música, especificamente nas aulas de contrabaixo, num contexto de improvisação e composição em grupo. Neste sentido, explora-se igualmente a pedagogia de orientação para uma aprendizagem criativa, objetivando uma aprendizagem cada vez mais significativa e otimizada.
No âmbito desta investigação criou-se o projeto Oficina de Experimentação Musical, integrado na disciplina de instrumento – contrabaixo, um espaço aberto para a prática da improvisação e composição em grupo. Acompanhou-se o processo criativo de um grupo de três alunos do 5º ano, que produziram um trio para contrabaixos intitulado Peça sobre o oceano, com três variações, e várias pequenas peças de música concreta.
Durante o período de investigação foi decretado o encerramento das escolas devido à pandemia por Covid-19. Optou-se por continuar o projeto com a exploração de música concreta na tentativa de ultrapassar as dificuldades inerentes à inexistência de contrabaixos nos domicílios dos alunos.
Os resultados práticos das sessões foram analisados pela perspetiva do Modelo do Desenvolvimento Musical de Swanwick e por um Teste de Pensamento Criativo de Torrance adaptado para a avaliação das ideias musicais, permitindo obter informações quanto ao desenvolvimento musical criativo dos alunos. Realizou-se também uma entrevista aos três alunos, que informou acerca do impacto das estratégias utilizadas e dos problemas que à primeira vista não eram identificáveis
Abstract : This study is an investigation-action. The main objective of which is to improve pedagogical practices, based on observations, reflexions, planning and the application of new strategies in the practical context of the classroom. In the context of group improvisation and composition, the study seeks to establish strategies that stimulate creativity in musical learning, and more specifically in double-bass classes. In this way, the pedagogical orientation for creative learning is also explored, seeking an optimised learning process which over time becomes more meaningful. Within the scope of this study the project Oficina de Experimentação Musical (Workshop of Experimental Music) was created to provide an open space in which to practice group improvisation and composition. This project was integrated into the curriculum of the double bass instrument. The creative process of a group of three students in the 5th grade was accompanied. They composed a trio for double bass titled Peça sobre o oceano with three variations, and several small concrete pieces of music. During the study period, the closing of schools due to the Covid-19 pandemic was decreed. As a result of the difficulties inherent to the absence of double-basses in the student´s homes, a new approach was adopted. The project then continued by stimulating the creative process via the exploration of concrete music. The practical results of the sessions were analysed through the perspective of the Swanwick´s Model of Musical Development and by a Test of Creative Thinking of Torrance adapted for the evaluation of musical ideas. This enabled the gathering of information about the student´s creative musical development. An interview was also conducted with each student to gather information about the impact of the strategies that were applied and the problems that were not identified in the beginning.
Abstract : This study is an investigation-action. The main objective of which is to improve pedagogical practices, based on observations, reflexions, planning and the application of new strategies in the practical context of the classroom. In the context of group improvisation and composition, the study seeks to establish strategies that stimulate creativity in musical learning, and more specifically in double-bass classes. In this way, the pedagogical orientation for creative learning is also explored, seeking an optimised learning process which over time becomes more meaningful. Within the scope of this study the project Oficina de Experimentação Musical (Workshop of Experimental Music) was created to provide an open space in which to practice group improvisation and composition. This project was integrated into the curriculum of the double bass instrument. The creative process of a group of three students in the 5th grade was accompanied. They composed a trio for double bass titled Peça sobre o oceano with three variations, and several small concrete pieces of music. During the study period, the closing of schools due to the Covid-19 pandemic was decreed. As a result of the difficulties inherent to the absence of double-basses in the student´s homes, a new approach was adopted. The project then continued by stimulating the creative process via the exploration of concrete music. The practical results of the sessions were analysed through the perspective of the Swanwick´s Model of Musical Development and by a Test of Creative Thinking of Torrance adapted for the evaluation of musical ideas. This enabled the gathering of information about the student´s creative musical development. An interview was also conducted with each student to gather information about the impact of the strategies that were applied and the problems that were not identified in the beginning.
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