A representação social da ‘Outra Infância’ no contexto de oitocentos e parte de novecentos em Portugal
Martins, Ernesto C. (2020) -A representação social da ‘Outra Infância’ no contexto de oitocentos e parte de novecentos em Portugal. Educação, Psicologia e Interfaces, Vol. 4, Nº 3, julho/setembro, p. 1-17.
DOI: 10.37444/issn-2594-5343.v4i3.270
A representação social da ‘Outra Infância’ no contexto de oitocentos e parte de novecentos em Portugal
The social representation of 'other childhood' in the context of eight hundred and part of nine hundred in Portugal
The social representation of 'other childhood' in the context of eight hundred and part of nine hundred in Portugal
Dispositivo médico-pedagógico
Dispositivo jurídico-social
Outra infância.
Representação social
Another childhood
Social representation
Medical-pedagogical device
Legal-social provision
Dispositivo jurídico-social
Outra infância.
Representação social
Another childhood
Social representation
Medical-pedagogical device
Legal-social provision
Abordamos a representação social da infância portuguesa, mas especificamente a ‘Outra infância’, aquela que estava à margem da escolarização e normalização social da época e, por isso, necessitada de proteção, assistência e educação. O arco histórico de análise é o século XIX e parte do XX, norteado pelos seguintes objetivos: analisar a representação social da infância nas vertentes médico-assistencial - higienista e na da infração ou desviação social; compreender os processos de proteção, de assistência socioeducativa ou de correção. A representação social, daquela infância relacionava-se com as suas situações sociais e condições de conflito a que estava submetida, pelo facto de viver na rua, e com as formas de relação com o mundo social, o que implicava a sua diferenciação com as ditas normais. A metodologia argumentativa é de índole histórico-documental, fenomenológica (fenómeno a ‘outra infância’) e hermenêutica. A imagem da infância foi influenciada por várias ciências, a partir finais do séc. XX e pelas políticas sociais, que culminou com dispositivos de proteção, de assistência, de institucionalização terminando no direito tutelar de menores (iniciado em 1911) e, principalmente nos direitos da criança, no séc. XX. O estudo pretende dar contributos à História [social] da Infância em Portugal, inserindo-os também na História [social] da Educação. Com este olhar, discurso e objeto de estudo, poderemos enriquecer aqueles campos da História, já que se trata de um tema de certa atualização socio histórica e cultural, relativo aquele campo disciplinar da ‘Outra infância’ como um novo objeto de investigação na nova história (Children Studies).
We approached the social representation of Portuguese childhood, but specifically the 'Other childhood', the one that was on the margins of the schooling and social normalization of the time and, therefore, in need of protection, assistance and education. The historical arc of analysis is the nineteenth century and part of the 20th century, guided by the following objectives: To analyze the social representation of childhood in the medical-care-hygienist and in the aspects of infraction or social deviation; Understand the processes of protection, socio-educational assistance or correction. The social representation of that childhood was related to its social situations and conflict conditions to which it was subjected, by living on the street, and with the forms of relationship with the social world, which implied its differentiation with the so-called normal ones. The argumentative methodology is historical-documentary, phenomenological (phenomenon to 'other childhood') and hermeneutics. The image of childhood was influenced by several sciences, from the end of the century. XX and social policies, which culminated in provisions of protection, assistance, institutionalization ending in the right of guardianship of minors (started in 1911) and, mainly in the rights of the child, in the 19th century. The study aims to contribute to the [Social] History of Childhood in Portugal, also inserting them into the [Social] History of Education. With this look, discourse and object of study, we can enrich those fields of history, since it is a theme of a certain sociohistorical and cultural updating, related to that disciplinary field of 'Another childhood' as a new object of investigation in the new history (Children Studies).
Universidade Lusófona - CeiED; Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco
We approached the social representation of Portuguese childhood, but specifically the 'Other childhood', the one that was on the margins of the schooling and social normalization of the time and, therefore, in need of protection, assistance and education. The historical arc of analysis is the nineteenth century and part of the 20th century, guided by the following objectives: To analyze the social representation of childhood in the medical-care-hygienist and in the aspects of infraction or social deviation; Understand the processes of protection, socio-educational assistance or correction. The social representation of that childhood was related to its social situations and conflict conditions to which it was subjected, by living on the street, and with the forms of relationship with the social world, which implied its differentiation with the so-called normal ones. The argumentative methodology is historical-documentary, phenomenological (phenomenon to 'other childhood') and hermeneutics. The image of childhood was influenced by several sciences, from the end of the century. XX and social policies, which culminated in provisions of protection, assistance, institutionalization ending in the right of guardianship of minors (started in 1911) and, mainly in the rights of the child, in the 19th century. The study aims to contribute to the [Social] History of Childhood in Portugal, also inserting them into the [Social] History of Education. With this look, discourse and object of study, we can enrich those fields of history, since it is a theme of a certain sociohistorical and cultural updating, related to that disciplinary field of 'Another childhood' as a new object of investigation in the new history (Children Studies).
Universidade Lusófona - CeiED; Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco
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