Alterações climáticas e zoonoses: influência das alterações climáticas na propagação de doenças infeciosas
VALDIVINO, Mariana ; RODRIGUES, Francisco ; COELHO, Patrícia (2021) - Alterações climáticas e zoonoses: influência das alterações climáticas na propagação de doenças infeciosas. HIGEIA : Revista Científica da Escola Superior de Saúde Dr. Lopes Dias. ISSN 2184-5565. Ano III, vol. 5 , n.º 1, p. 41-52.
Alterações climáticas e zoonoses: influência das alterações climáticas na propagação de doenças infeciosas
Climate change and zoonoses: influence of climate change on the transmission of infectious diseases
Climate change and zoonoses: influence of climate change on the transmission of infectious diseases
Alterações climáticas
Doenças transmitidas por vetores
Saúde pública
Climate change
Vector borne diseases
Public health
Doenças transmitidas por vetores
Saúde pública
Climate change
Vector borne diseases
Public health
As alterações climáticas vão, inquestionavelmente,
afetar todo o ecossistema atual e os seus efeitos
sobre as zoonoses são especulados desde do século
XX. Hoje, sabe-se que estas vão influenciar, não
só a suscetibilidade do Homem (perturbações no
ambiente e nos padrões comportamentais), mas
também, de forma direta ou indireta, os vetores e
os patógenos.
Assim, o principal objetivo deste trabalho foi
reunir informações sobre as possíveis implicações
das alterações climáticas no desenvolvimento de
doenças zoonóticas. Para tal, foi feita uma revisão
sistemática a partir de 170 artigos e relatórios,
publicados entre 2000 e 2019, que evidenciassem
uma relação entre as alterações climáticas e
doenças infeciosas ou zoonoses; mostrassem os
efeitos das alterações climáticas nos vetores e/ou
relacionassem doenças que afetam o Homem com
as alterações climáticas.
Com as oscilações de temperatura e pluviosidade, o
período de incubação externo dos agentes infeciosos
será alterado, tornando-se tendencialmente mais
curto. De igual modo, os ciclos de vida dos vetores
(principalmente dos mosquitos) e a sua distribuição
espaçotemporal será alterada, em direção aos polos.
Estas perturbações vão interferir, positivamente,
nas taxas de reprodução, de sobrevivência, de
desenvolvimento e de infeção dos vetores,
aumentando a sua capacidade de transmitirem
patógenos e, consequentemente, de emergir ou
reemergir patologias infeciosas.
É possível concluir que, quando associado a fatores
sociais, económicos e políticos, as AC irão influenciar
fortemente a propagação de doenças zoonóticas
num futuro próximo.
ABSTRACT: Without doubt, climate change will affect the entire current ecosystem and its effects on zoonoses have been speculated since the 20th century. At this point, we know that climate change will influence, not only the Man susceptibility (from disturbances in habitat to behavioral patterns), but also, directly or indirectly, the vectors and the microorganisms themselves. So, the main objective of this work was to collect information about the possible implications of climate change on the development of zoonotic diseases. With this in mind, a systematic review was made based on 170 articles and reports, published between 2000 and 2019, which showed a relationship between climate change and infectious diseases or zoonoses; show the effects of climate change on vectors and/or relate diseases that affect humans to climate change. With fluctuations in temperature and precipitation, the external incubation period for infectious agents will change, becoming increasingly shorter. In the same way, the life cycles of the vectors (mainly mosquitoes) and their spatiotemporal distribution will be modified, towards the poles. These disturbances will interfere, positively, in reproduction, survival, development and vector infection rates and will increase their capacity to transmit pathogens and, consequently, to emerge or re-emerge infectious pathologies. It is possible to conclude that, when associated with social, economic and political factors, climate change will strongly influence the spread of zoonotic diseases soon.
ABSTRACT: Without doubt, climate change will affect the entire current ecosystem and its effects on zoonoses have been speculated since the 20th century. At this point, we know that climate change will influence, not only the Man susceptibility (from disturbances in habitat to behavioral patterns), but also, directly or indirectly, the vectors and the microorganisms themselves. So, the main objective of this work was to collect information about the possible implications of climate change on the development of zoonotic diseases. With this in mind, a systematic review was made based on 170 articles and reports, published between 2000 and 2019, which showed a relationship between climate change and infectious diseases or zoonoses; show the effects of climate change on vectors and/or relate diseases that affect humans to climate change. With fluctuations in temperature and precipitation, the external incubation period for infectious agents will change, becoming increasingly shorter. In the same way, the life cycles of the vectors (mainly mosquitoes) and their spatiotemporal distribution will be modified, towards the poles. These disturbances will interfere, positively, in reproduction, survival, development and vector infection rates and will increase their capacity to transmit pathogens and, consequently, to emerge or re-emerge infectious pathologies. It is possible to conclude that, when associated with social, economic and political factors, climate change will strongly influence the spread of zoonotic diseases soon.
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