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Error parsing search terms: Cannot parse 'NOT archive.id:"KOHAIPCB" AND ((active:"true")^1 OR (active_ENstemmer:"true")^1 OR (active_PTstemmer:"true")^1) AND (((parentId:"CHEN, Jing ; GRAMEGNA, Silvia Maria (2021) - "Feeling at home” for people with dementia in care environments : the role of built environment factors. A critical literature review. Revista de Investigação e Ensino das Artes. ISSN 1646 - 9054. Vol. XIV, n.º 27.")^1 OR (parentId_ENstemmer:"CHEN, Jing ; GRAMEGNA, Silvia Maria (2021) - "Feeling at home” for people with dementia in care environments : the role of built environment factors. A critical literature review. Revista de Investigação e Ensino das Artes. ISSN 1646 - 9054. Vol. XIV, n.º 27.")^1 OR (parentId_PTstemmer:"CHEN, Jing ; GRAMEGNA, Silvia Maria (2021) - "Feeling at home” for people with dementia in care environments : the role of built environment factors. A critical literature review. Revista de Investigação e Ensino das Artes. ISSN 1646 - 9054. Vol. XIV, n.º 27.")^1) OR ((parentId:"1646 - 9054")^1 OR (parentId_ENstemmer:"1646 - 9054")^1 OR (parentId_PTstemmer:"1646 - 9054")^1) OR ((parentId:"http://hdl.handle.net/10400.11/7634")^1 OR (parentId_ENstemmer:"http://hdl.handle.net/10400.11/7634")^1 OR (parentId_PTstemmer:"http://hdl.handle.net/10400.11/7634")^1)) AND ((active:"true")^1 OR (active_ENstemmer:"true")^1 OR (active_PTstemmer:"true")^1)': Lexical error at line 1, column 1353. Encountered: <EOF> after : "\")^1)"