CARAPITO, Angela; RODRIGUES, Francisco; COELHO, Patrícia (2021) - A importância do humor vitreo em análises post-mortem. Higeia: Revista Científica da Escola Superior de Saúde Dr. Lopes Dias. ISSN 2184-5565. A. 3, vol. 6, nº 2, p. 9-19
A importância do humor vitreo em análises post-mortem
Humor vítreo (C23.550.260.224.617), toxicologia forense (H01.158.891.424), análise quantitativa
Toxicologia forense
Análise quantitativa
Vitreous humor
Forensic toxicology
Quantitative analysis
Toxicologia forense
Análise quantitativa
Vitreous humor
Forensic toxicology
Quantitative analysis
As análises bioquímicas realizadas ao humor vítreo constituem hoje uma mais valia para a toxicologia forense e em análises post-mortem ajudando a determinar a causa de morte e a estimar o intervalo
post-mortem, assim como a elucidar casos forenses. O humor vítreo é uma substância gelatinosa contida na parte posterior do olho, constituído por 99% de água. Devido à sua composição e às suas características, é utilizado como matriz para diversas determinações analíticas post-mortem sendo considerada bastante útil em casos em que outros tipos de amostras não se encontram acessíveis, como é o caso do sangue ou da urina.
Os objetivos desta revisão consistiram em realizar um levantamento dos conhecimentos presentes na literatura relativos às análises post-mortem realizadas ao humor vítreo; comparar o tipo de análises realizadas ao humor vítreo em relação a outros fluidos corporais e; determinar para quais os analitos as quantificações poderão ou não ser vantajosas.
Materiais e Métodos
A pesquisa e recolha de informação foi realizada a partir de bases de dados como a PubMed, b-on e
ResearchGate e a análise baseada em diversos artigos originais, de revisão e casos clínicos publicados entre 2000 e 2020.
Discussão e Conclusão
As determinações analíticas efetuadas ao humor vítreo post-mortem têm demonstrado inúmeras vantagens em toxicologia forense. Estudos realizados neste âmbito têm mostrado que através de uma abordagem mais detalhada será possível obter um maior conhecimento acerca do intervalo post-mortem, determinar causas de morte ou ainda, identificar marcadores associados a determinadas patologias oculares. Diversos desafios ainda existem relativamente à interpretação das concentrações no humor vítreo, técnicas de amostragem e redistribuição post-mortem dos compostos a analisar. Mais estudos devem ser desenvolvidos tendo em vista análises comparativas entre técnicas, analitos, fluidos corporais e outras variáveis que possam influenciar os resultados das determinações analíticas.
Abstract Introduction Biochemical analyses performed on vitreous humor are today an asset for forensic toxicology and in post-mortem analyses, helping to determine the cause of death and to estimate the post-mortem interval, as well as elucidating forensic cases. The vitreous humor is a gelatinous substance contained in the posterior part of the eye, consisting of 99% water. Due to its composition and characteristics, it is used as a matrix for several post-mortem analytical determinations and is considered quite useful in cases where other types of samples are not accessible, such as blood or urine. Aim The aims of this review were to carry out a survey of the knowledge present in the literature regarding post-mortem analyses performed on vitreous humor; compare the type of analyses performed on the vitreous humor in relation to other body fluids and; determine for which analytes the quantifications may or may not be advantageous. Materials and Methods The search and collect of information was performed from data bases like PubMed, b-on and ResearchGate and the analyses based on several original and review articles and case reports published from 2000 to 2020. Discussion/Conclusion Analytical determinations performed on the postmortem vitreous humor have demonstrated numerous advantages in forensic toxicology. Studies carried out in this context have shown that through a more detailed approach it will be possible to obtain greater knowledge about the post-mortem interval, determine causes of death or even identify markers associated with certain ocular pathologies. Several challenges still exist regarding the interpretation of vitreous humor concentrations, sampling techniques and post-mortem redistribution of the compounds to be analysed. More studies should be developed with a view to comparative analysis between techniques, analytes, body fluids and other variables that may influence the results of analytical determinations.
Abstract Introduction Biochemical analyses performed on vitreous humor are today an asset for forensic toxicology and in post-mortem analyses, helping to determine the cause of death and to estimate the post-mortem interval, as well as elucidating forensic cases. The vitreous humor is a gelatinous substance contained in the posterior part of the eye, consisting of 99% water. Due to its composition and characteristics, it is used as a matrix for several post-mortem analytical determinations and is considered quite useful in cases where other types of samples are not accessible, such as blood or urine. Aim The aims of this review were to carry out a survey of the knowledge present in the literature regarding post-mortem analyses performed on vitreous humor; compare the type of analyses performed on the vitreous humor in relation to other body fluids and; determine for which analytes the quantifications may or may not be advantageous. Materials and Methods The search and collect of information was performed from data bases like PubMed, b-on and ResearchGate and the analyses based on several original and review articles and case reports published from 2000 to 2020. Discussion/Conclusion Analytical determinations performed on the postmortem vitreous humor have demonstrated numerous advantages in forensic toxicology. Studies carried out in this context have shown that through a more detailed approach it will be possible to obtain greater knowledge about the post-mortem interval, determine causes of death or even identify markers associated with certain ocular pathologies. Several challenges still exist regarding the interpretation of vitreous humor concentrations, sampling techniques and post-mortem redistribution of the compounds to be analysed. More studies should be developed with a view to comparative analysis between techniques, analytes, body fluids and other variables that may influence the results of analytical determinations.
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