Design de moda e artesanato : resposta para a sustentabilidade na moda : caso de estudo: renda das lérias
Design de moda e artesanato : resposta para a sustentabilidade na moda : caso de estudo: renda das lérias
Barreiros, Alexandra Isabel Cruchinho
Ribeiros, Brígida Isabel Gonçalves
Ribeiros, Brígida Isabel Gonçalves
Renda das lérias
Lérias Lace
Domínio/Área Científica : Humanidades
Renda das lérias
Lérias Lace
Domínio/Área Científica : Humanidades
O presente documento procura contextualizar o aparecimento da Renda das Lérias, mas sobretudo contribuir para a valorização de conhecimentos/”saber fazer” num contexto em que, e infelizmente, o Artesanato ainda é desvalorizado pela sua inadaptação ao decorrer dos anos, nomeadamente na oferta de produtos contemporâneos e atractivos ao novo consumidor.
Pretende ainda, através da observação e aprendizagem da técnica de execução desta renda junto do Grupo de Artesãs da Póvoa da Atalaia, desenvolver uma colecção cápsula de peças de vestuário e/ou acessórios onde se destaca a aplicação das Lérias, cujo objectivo é mostrar as potencialidades de uma técnica ancestral e dar resposta a novos mercados, sem, no entanto, desvirtuar as suas origens.
É também de referir o factor de diferenciação que o artesanato representa na resposta para a “Sustentabilidade na Moda”, um dos focos desta investigação. A criação de laços emocionais com as peças produzidas, para além de acrescentar valor pessoal ao produto, aumenta, à partida, o período de vida desse mesmo produto, evitando assim a facilidade e desprendimento com que se “veste, usa e deita fora” da oferta massificada do “Fast Fashion”.
A impossibilidade de desenvolver a colecção cápsula com o Grupo de Artesãs da Póvoa da Atalaia devido ao contexto pandémico no decorrer deste projecto, levou à procura e contributo essencial do Grupo de Tricot do Bairro do Orreiro, em São João da Madeira.
Nós somos o que somos hoje, porque temos História; Somos produto das memórias dos mais velhos e é fundamental o seu registo para que, amanhã, possamos continuar a Ser e ter História.
Abstract : This document seeks to contextualize the origins of Lérias Lace, but above all, to also contribute to the enhancement of knowledge/”know how” in a context in which, and unfortunately, Crafts are still undervalued due to the lack of ability to adapt over the years, namely in the offer of contemporary products that are attractive to the new consumer. In addiction, it intends, throuhgh the observation and learning of the technique of making this lace with the Póvoa da Atalaia Artisans Group, to develop a capsule collection of garments and/or accessories where the application of Lérias stands out, whose main goa lis to show the potentialities of an ancestral technique to respond to new markets and still being truthful to its origins. It is equally worth mentioning the differentiating factor that handcrafts represent in the response to “Sustainability in Fashion”, one of the focuses of this investigation. The creation of emotional bonds with the pieces produced by adding personal value to the product, increases, from the begining, the lifetime of that produc, therefore avoiding the ease and detachment with which one “dresses, wears and throws away” the “Fast Fashion” mass offers. The impossibility of developing the capsule collection with the Póvoa da Atalaia Artisans Group due to the pandemic context during this project, led to the search and essencial contribution of the Ticot Group from Bairro do Orreiro, in São João da Madeira. We are what we are today, because we have History; We are the product of the memories of the eldery and the it is essencial to record them so that tomorrow, we can continue to Be and have Histor
Abstract : This document seeks to contextualize the origins of Lérias Lace, but above all, to also contribute to the enhancement of knowledge/”know how” in a context in which, and unfortunately, Crafts are still undervalued due to the lack of ability to adapt over the years, namely in the offer of contemporary products that are attractive to the new consumer. In addiction, it intends, throuhgh the observation and learning of the technique of making this lace with the Póvoa da Atalaia Artisans Group, to develop a capsule collection of garments and/or accessories where the application of Lérias stands out, whose main goa lis to show the potentialities of an ancestral technique to respond to new markets and still being truthful to its origins. It is equally worth mentioning the differentiating factor that handcrafts represent in the response to “Sustainability in Fashion”, one of the focuses of this investigation. The creation of emotional bonds with the pieces produced by adding personal value to the product, increases, from the begining, the lifetime of that produc, therefore avoiding the ease and detachment with which one “dresses, wears and throws away” the “Fast Fashion” mass offers. The impossibility of developing the capsule collection with the Póvoa da Atalaia Artisans Group due to the pandemic context during this project, led to the search and essencial contribution of the Ticot Group from Bairro do Orreiro, in São João da Madeira. We are what we are today, because we have History; We are the product of the memories of the eldery and the it is essencial to record them so that tomorrow, we can continue to Be and have Histor
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