CASTILHO, Filipa Maria ; FOLETTO, Clarissa (2022) - A canção: uma proposta pedagógica no ensino-aprendizagem do violoncelo. In RAPOSO, D., ed. [et al.] - Investigação e ensino em design e música. Castelo Branco : IPCB. p. 84-95. (Convergências Research Books ; vol. III).
A canção: uma proposta pedagógica no ensino-aprendizagem do violoncelo
The song: a pedagogical proposal in cello teaching-learning
The song: a pedagogical proposal in cello teaching-learning
Canção popular
Canção tradicional
Aprendizagem instrumental
Acompanhamento parental
Popular Songs
Traditional songs
Instrumental learning
Parental support
Canção popular
Canção tradicional
Aprendizagem instrumental
Acompanhamento parental
Popular Songs
Traditional songs
Instrumental learning
Parental support
No sentido de um ensino ajustado às fnalidades
e às metas preconizadas para o Ensino
Básico torna-se fundamental uma seleção
apropriada dos recursos didáticos a utilizar.
Assim, pensou-se utilizar a canção como
ferramenta pedagógica, tal como sugerido
por vários pedagogos, tais como Willems,
Kodály ou Suzuki, para a aprendizagem e
desenvolvimento de competências musicais
e técnicas do violoncelo, buscando assim
uma maior motivação e interesse do aluno.
A investigação foi elaborada em duas partes,
onde na primeira foi realizada uma pesquisa
documental, preparatória ao estudo empírico
com o intuito de elaborar um compêndio
de canções tradicionais e/ou populares
infantis portuguesas adaptadas ao violoncelo
e na segunda secção foi desenvolvida
uma investigação-ação com o objetivo de
compreender a utilização dessas canções
como ferramenta didático-pedagógica para
o desenvolvimento de competências, bem
como as suas implicações no envolvimento
parental no acompanhamento do estudo dos
seus educandos. Os resultados mostraram
que efetivamente as canções selecionadas
foram facilitadoras do desenvolvimento de
competências técnicas principalmente dos
padrões de dedos e aspetos musicais, taisos resultados demonstraram que os alunos
que tiveram maior acompanhamento por
parte dos pais/encarregados de educação
obtiveram melhores resultados.
como: afnação, audição e ritmo. Além disso,
Abstract : In the sense of a teaching adjusted to the purposes and goals recommended for Basic Education, an appropriate selection of didactic resources to be used becomes fundamental. Thus, it was thought to use the song as a pedagogical tool, as suggested by several pedagogues, such as Willems, Kodály or Suzuki, for the learning and development of musical and technical skills of the cello, thus seeking a greater motivation and interest of the student. The research was elaborated in two parts, where in the frst one a documentary research was carried out, preparatory to the empirical study in order to elaborate a compendium of traditional and/or popular Portuguese children's songs adapted to the cello and in the second section an action investigation was developed with the objective of understanding the use of these songs as a didactic-pedagogical tool for the development of skills, and its implications for parental involvement in monitoring the study of its learners. The results showed that efectively the selected songs were facilitating the development of technical skills mainly of fnger patterns and musical aspects, such as: tuning, listening and rhythm. In addition, the results showed that students who had more follow-up by parents/guardians had better results.
Abstract : In the sense of a teaching adjusted to the purposes and goals recommended for Basic Education, an appropriate selection of didactic resources to be used becomes fundamental. Thus, it was thought to use the song as a pedagogical tool, as suggested by several pedagogues, such as Willems, Kodály or Suzuki, for the learning and development of musical and technical skills of the cello, thus seeking a greater motivation and interest of the student. The research was elaborated in two parts, where in the frst one a documentary research was carried out, preparatory to the empirical study in order to elaborate a compendium of traditional and/or popular Portuguese children's songs adapted to the cello and in the second section an action investigation was developed with the objective of understanding the use of these songs as a didactic-pedagogical tool for the development of skills, and its implications for parental involvement in monitoring the study of its learners. The results showed that efectively the selected songs were facilitating the development of technical skills mainly of fnger patterns and musical aspects, such as: tuning, listening and rhythm. In addition, the results showed that students who had more follow-up by parents/guardians had better results.
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