GASPAR, Ana (2022) - Cesare Sighinolf : um escultor italiano em Portugal. In RAPOSO, D., ed. [et al.] - Investigação e ensino em design e música. Castelo Branco : IPCB. p. 152-161. (Convergências Research Books : vol. III).
Cesare Sighinolf : um escultor italiano em Portugal
Cesare Sighinolf : an italian sculptor in Portugal
Cesare Sighinolf : an italian sculptor in Portugal
Século XIX
19th century
Século XIX
19th century
Durante a segunda metade do século XIX, foi
constituída uma coleção de escultura italiana
no Palácio Nacional da Ajuda. Neste âmbito
foi estudada esta coleção num contexto de
investigação alargada a todo o núcleo escultó-
-rico. Contudo, e tendo em referência o ponto
de partida geral, encontrou-se um escultor
italiano nascido em 1833 e proveniente de
Modena, que veio trabalhar para Portugal,
a convite do rei D. Luís I. Neste âmbito, e a
propósi-to da sua vinda, procedemos à investigação da sua produção artística, no campo da
escultura em mármore de Carrara. Colocou-se
então a questão des-te convite e qual a hipótese
de desenvolvimento da sua obra escultórica
num ambiente da segunda metade do século
XIX, em Portugal e neste perío-do histórico.
O objetivo foi investigar a permanência de um
artista italiano na cidade de Lisboa a convite
da casa real portuguesa, em cuja assinatura
das suas obras se encontra designado como
Cesare Sighinolf. A metodolo-gia adoptada foi
a de observação directa das peças escultóricas
e o acesso a toda a documentação existente no
Arquivo da Torre do Tombo de Lisboa, com
referência ao período em estudo.
Abstract : During the second half of the 19th century, a collection of Italian sculpture was created in the Ajuda National Palace. In this context, this collection was studied in a context of investigation extended to the entire sculptural core. However, and with reference to the general starting point, there was an Italian sculptor born in 1833 and coming from Modena, who came to work in Portugal, at the invitation of King Luís I. , we proceeded to the investigation of his artistic production, in the feld of Carrara marble sculpture. The question of this invitation was then posed and what is the hypothesis of developing his sculptural work in an environment of the second half of the 19th century, in Portugal and in this historical period. The objective was to investigate the permanence of an Italian artist in the city of Lisbon at the invitation of the Portuguese royal house, in whose signature of his works he is designated as Cesare Sighinolf. The methodology adopted was the direct observation of the sculptural pieces and access to all the existing documenta-tion in the Torre do Tombo Archive in Lisbon, with reference to the period under study
Abstract : During the second half of the 19th century, a collection of Italian sculpture was created in the Ajuda National Palace. In this context, this collection was studied in a context of investigation extended to the entire sculptural core. However, and with reference to the general starting point, there was an Italian sculptor born in 1833 and coming from Modena, who came to work in Portugal, at the invitation of King Luís I. , we proceeded to the investigation of his artistic production, in the feld of Carrara marble sculpture. The question of this invitation was then posed and what is the hypothesis of developing his sculptural work in an environment of the second half of the 19th century, in Portugal and in this historical period. The objective was to investigate the permanence of an Italian artist in the city of Lisbon at the invitation of the Portuguese royal house, in whose signature of his works he is designated as Cesare Sighinolf. The methodology adopted was the direct observation of the sculptural pieces and access to all the existing documenta-tion in the Torre do Tombo Archive in Lisbon, with reference to the period under study
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