COSTA, Rafaela Almeida da [et al.] (2022) - O grau de literacia em AVC : impacto na ativação do serviço de emergência. HIGEIA: Revista Científica da Escola Superior de Saúde Dr. Lopes Dias. ISSN 2184-5565. Ano IV, vol. 7, n.º 1, p. 9-16.
O grau de literacia em AVC : impacto na ativação do serviço de emergência
Acidente vascular cerebral
Emergência médica
Educação da população
Fatores de tempo
Emergency medical
Population education
Time factors
Emergência médica
Educação da população
Fatores de tempo
Emergency medical
Population education
Time factors
O acidente vascular cerebral é uma das patologias que apresenta maior parcela de óbitos em Portugal, embora possa ser prevenível. É um evento neurológico súbito, originado pelo défice de aporte sanguíneo ao cérebro que tem como característicos 3 sinais de alerta: a falta de força num membro,
a boca ao lado e a dificuldade em falar. Pode apresentar outras manifestações clínicas de acordo com o território afetado e estar associado a inúmeros fatores de risco vasculares. O conhecimento da população sobre esta doença cerebrovascular é essencial, pois culmina na ativação eficaz do serviço
de emergência e consequente tratamento. Este artigo de revisão foi efetuado com o intuito de analisar a importância do grau de literacia em saúde no acionamento do serviço de emergência/via verde do acidente vascular cerebral, correlacionando com o grau de instrução da população sobre esta doença cerebrovascular. Foram analisados 14 artigos, sendo apresentados os seus principais resultados. Estes demonstraram que o grau de literacia da população acerca do acidente vascular cerebral é reduzido e que é um dos principais fatores que fomenta o baixo contacto do serviço de emergência, traduzindo-se em tempos pré e intra hospitalares superiores às janelas de tempo terapêuticas recomendadas. É referido ainda o défice de organização e ineficiência dos diversos profissionais de saúde perante este tipo de doentes. Apesar disto, é visível que quando ocorrem campanhas de exposição a informação sobre esta patologia, existe um aumento do conhecimento geral. É fundamental apostar em estratégias de promoção educacionais sobre esta temática, de modo a existir uma população instruída e capaz de agir rapidamente perante um evento destes, sendo igualmente necessário formar constantemente os respetivos profissionais de saúde. E, desta forma,
agilizar os processos e promover um maior sucesso na administração terapêutica.
Abstract: Stroke is one of the pathologies that presents the largest share of deaths in Portugal, although it can be prevented. It is a sudden neurological event, originated by the deficit of blood supply to the brain that has 3 characteristic warning signs: face fallen on one side, the mouth next to it and the difficulty in speaking. It can present other clinical manifestations according to the affected territory and be associated with to several vascular risk factors. The population’s knowledge about this cerebrovascular disease is essential, as it culminates in the effective activation of the emergency service and consequent treatment. This review article was carried out with the purpose of analyzing the importance of the degree of health literacy in the triggering of the emergency service, correlating with the degree of education of the population about this cerebrovascular disease. We analyzed 14 articles and presented their main results. These showed that the degree of literacy of the population about the cerebrovascular accident is reduced and that, it is one of the main factors that foments low emergency servisse contact translating in times before and inside the hospital superior to the recommended therapeutic time windows. The lack of organization and inefficiency of the various health professionals in dealing with this type of patient i salso mentioned. In spite of this, it is visible that when exposure campaigns occur information about this pathology there is an increase in general knowledge. It is fundamental to bet on educational promotion strategies on this subject, so that there is an educated population capable of acting quickly in face of such an event, and it is also necessary to constantly train the respective health professionals. And, in this way, speeding up the processes and promote greater sucess in the administration of therapy
Abstract: Stroke is one of the pathologies that presents the largest share of deaths in Portugal, although it can be prevented. It is a sudden neurological event, originated by the deficit of blood supply to the brain that has 3 characteristic warning signs: face fallen on one side, the mouth next to it and the difficulty in speaking. It can present other clinical manifestations according to the affected territory and be associated with to several vascular risk factors. The population’s knowledge about this cerebrovascular disease is essential, as it culminates in the effective activation of the emergency service and consequent treatment. This review article was carried out with the purpose of analyzing the importance of the degree of health literacy in the triggering of the emergency service, correlating with the degree of education of the population about this cerebrovascular disease. We analyzed 14 articles and presented their main results. These showed that the degree of literacy of the population about the cerebrovascular accident is reduced and that, it is one of the main factors that foments low emergency servisse contact translating in times before and inside the hospital superior to the recommended therapeutic time windows. The lack of organization and inefficiency of the various health professionals in dealing with this type of patient i salso mentioned. In spite of this, it is visible that when exposure campaigns occur information about this pathology there is an increase in general knowledge. It is fundamental to bet on educational promotion strategies on this subject, so that there is an educated population capable of acting quickly in face of such an event, and it is also necessary to constantly train the respective health professionals. And, in this way, speeding up the processes and promote greater sucess in the administration of therapy
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