NUNES, Ana Isabel [et al.] (2022) - Cirurgia de correção de transposição dos grandes vasos : caso clínico. HIGEIA: Revista Científica da Escola Superior de Saúde Dr. Lopes Dias. ISSN 2184-5565. Ano IV, vol. 7, n.º1, p. 43-47.
Cirurgia de correção de transposição dos grandes vasos : caso clínico
Correction surgery of transposition of the great vessels : clinical case
Correction surgery of transposition of the great vessels : clinical case
Transposição dos grandes vasos
Cardiopatias congénitas
Comunicação interatrial
Transposition of the great vessels
Congenital heart defects
Heart strial septal defects
Cardiopatias congénitas
Comunicação interatrial
Transposition of the great vessels
Congenital heart defects
Heart strial septal defects
A Transposição dos Grandes Vasos (TGV) é uma anomalia cardíaca que representa 5 a 10% das
cardiopatias congénitas. Pertence ao grupo das patologias cianóticas e consiste numa dextrotransposição das grandes artérias do coração, a aorta e a pulmonar. Esta anomalia é incompatível com a vida, exceto na presença de uma comunicação interventricular ou interauricular (CIA) ou ducto arterioso que permite a mistura do sangue venoso com o arterial, possibilitando assim a vida ao doente. Relata-se o caso de uma criança com 13 dias de vida, a quem foi aferido o diagnostico pré-natal de TGV através de ultrassonografia fetal às 21 semanas de gestação. Aquando do seu nascimento, foram realizados exames de diagnóstico que confirmaram
o diagnóstico pré-natal sendo a criança encaminhada para intervenção de correção total de TGV. A cirurgia teve uma duração aproximada de 7 horas, sendo que 188 minutos foram em Circulação Extracorporal (CEC). Imediatamente após o nascimento, foi efetuada a técnica de Septostomia de Rashkind, possibilitando a sobrevida da criança até á correção total da TGV, pois neste recém-nascido não apresentava CIA.
Abstract: Transposition of the Great Vessels (TGV) is a cardiac anomaly that represents 5 to 10% of congenital heart diseases. It belongs to the group of cyanotic diseases and consists of a dextrotransposition of the great arteries of the heart, the aorta and the pulmonary. This anomaly is incompatible with life, except in the presence of an interventricular or interatrial (ASD) communication or ductus arteriosus that allows the mixing of venous and arterial blood, thus allowing the patient to live. We report the case of a 13-day-old child who was prenatally diagnosed with TGV through fetal ultrasound at 21 weeks of gestation. At birth, diagnostic tests were carried out that confirmed the prenatal diagnosis and the child was referred for intervention for total correction of TGV. The surgery lasted approximately 7 hours, which 188 minutes were in Extracorporeal Circulation (ECC). Immediately after birth, the Rashkind septostomy technique was performed, allowing the child to survive until the total correction of the TGV, as this newborn did not have an ASD.The surgery lasted a total of 188 minutes, and the surgical correction of the vessels was performed after the Rashkind Septostomy intervention.
Abstract: Transposition of the Great Vessels (TGV) is a cardiac anomaly that represents 5 to 10% of congenital heart diseases. It belongs to the group of cyanotic diseases and consists of a dextrotransposition of the great arteries of the heart, the aorta and the pulmonary. This anomaly is incompatible with life, except in the presence of an interventricular or interatrial (ASD) communication or ductus arteriosus that allows the mixing of venous and arterial blood, thus allowing the patient to live. We report the case of a 13-day-old child who was prenatally diagnosed with TGV through fetal ultrasound at 21 weeks of gestation. At birth, diagnostic tests were carried out that confirmed the prenatal diagnosis and the child was referred for intervention for total correction of TGV. The surgery lasted approximately 7 hours, which 188 minutes were in Extracorporeal Circulation (ECC). Immediately after birth, the Rashkind septostomy technique was performed, allowing the child to survive until the total correction of the TGV, as this newborn did not have an ASD.The surgery lasted a total of 188 minutes, and the surgical correction of the vessels was performed after the Rashkind Septostomy intervention.
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