Fatores preditivos intraoperatórios para o desenvolvimento de fibrilhação auricular após cirurgia cardíaca
SANTOS, Alícia [et al.] (2022) - Fatores preditivos intraoperatórios para o desenvolvimento de fibrilhação auricular após cirurgia cardíaca. HIGEIA: Revista Científica da Escola Superior de Saúde Dr. Lopes Dias. ISSN 2184-5565. Ano IV, vol. 8, n.º 2, p. 19-26.
Fatores preditivos intraoperatórios para o desenvolvimento de fibrilhação auricular após cirurgia cardíaca
Predictive intraoperative factors for the development of atrial fibrillation after cardiac surgery
Predictive intraoperative factors for the development of atrial fibrillation after cardiac surgery
Arritmias cardíacas
Cirurgia cardíaca
Fatores de risco
Cardiac arrhythmia
Cardiac surgery
Risk factor
Cirurgia cardíaca
Fatores de risco
Cardiac arrhythmia
Cardiac surgery
Risk factor
Introdução A fibrilhação auricular (FA) é uma complicação frequente no pós-operatório, estando associada
a um maior risco de morbilidade, mortalidade e dificuldade de recuperação. Algumas técnicas cirúrgicas estão associadas ao desenvolvimento desta arritmia, sendo o alvo de estudo deste artigo de revisão. Objetivos Determinar quais os fatores intraoperatórios preditivos para o desenvolvimento de FA após cirurgia cardíaca, de que modo as diferentes técnicas cirúrgicas influenciam a ocorrência de FA e analisar entre os fatores de risco intraoperatórios qual(is) apresentam maior correlação com o desenvolvimento de FA e a razão do mesmo. Métodos de pesquisa Foram pesquisados artigos científicos nos motores de pesquisa Google Académico, PubMed®, SciELO® e Mendeley®, com a utilização de diversas palavraschave, sendo incluídos artigos entre os anos 2010 e 2020, dos quais três escolhidos para exposição de dados. Dados Hashemzadeh et al. avaliaram 1254 doentes, sendo a incidência de FA 13.6%. O tipo de cirurgia mais realizado foi CABG, as variáveis intraoperatórias associadas a FA foram cirurgia valvular, cirurgia de correção de defeito septal auricular (ASD), canulação bicava, ventilação na raiz da artéria aorta e veia pulmonar, tempo de clampagem da artéria aorta e tempo de bypass . Shen et al. avaliaram 10390 doentes, sendo a incidência de FA 30%. Os
procedimentos cirúrgicos associados a FA foram procedimentos da válvula mitral/aórtica, CABG e reparação de aneurisma ventrículo esquerdo. Rostagno et al. avaliaram 725 doentes, sendo a incidência de FA 29.7% (39 doentes apresentaram episódios de FA no período pré-operatório), tendo sido frequente em doentes que foram submetidos a CABG conjuntamente com procedimentos valvulares. Discussão Foi determinado pelos autores que a realização de procedimentos combinados, nomeadamente, CABG e cirurgia valvular, estão associados a um alto risco de desenvolvimento de FA, de acordo com os autores Helgadottir et al. e Dave et al., podendo dever-se às alterações estruturais inerentes, entre outras. O tempo de clampagem da aorta e bypass, utilização de cardioplegia e balão intra-aórtico, estão também associados à FA, possivelmente devido à resposta inflamatória que causa. A longa estadia hospitalar e o desenvolvimento de comorbilidades é comum aos três artigos e a similares. Conclusão Conclui-se que as variáveis intraoperatórias CABG combinado com cirurgia valvular, uso de bypass e clampagem da artéria aorta estão fortemente associadas ao desenvolvimento de FA. É por isso, imperativo o estudo das mesmas, pois apesar da evolução das técnicas cirúrgicas a incidência arrítmica mantém-se.
Introduction Auricular fibrillation (AF) is a frequent postoperative complication and is associated with an increased risk of morbidity, mortality and difficulty in recovery. Some surgical techniques are associated with the development of this arrhythmia, this being the study aim of this review article. Objectives To determine which are the intraoperative predictive factors for the development of AF after cardiac surgery, in which way the different surgical techniques influence the occurrence of AF, and to analyze among the intraoperative risk factors which have the highest correlation with the development of AF and the reason for it. Research Methods Scientific articles were searched on Google Academic, PubMed®, SciELO® and Mendeley®, using several keywords, from those including articles from the years 2010 to 2020, from which three were chosen for presentation. Data Hashemzadeh et al. evaluated 1254 patients, having a AF incidence of 13.6%. The most commonly performed type of surgery was CABG, the intraoperative variables associated with AF were valvular surgery, aortic septal defect correction surgery (ASD), bicava cannulation, ventilation at the root of the aorta and pulmonary vein, aortic artery clamping time and bypass time. Shen et al. evaluated 10390 patients, having a AF incidence of 30%. The surgical procedures associated with AF were mitral or aortic valve procedures, CABG and left ventricular aneurysm repair. Rostagno et al. evaluated 725 patients, having a AF incidence of 29.7% (with 39 patients presenting with AF episodes in the preoperative period). AF was more frequent in patients who underwent CABG plus valvular procedures. Discussion It was determined by the authors that the performance of combined procedures, namely CABG and valvular surgery, is associated with a high risk of developing AF, according to the authors Helgadottir et al. and Dave et al., and may be due to inherent structural changes, among others. The time of aortic clamping and bypass, use of cardioplegia and intraaortic balloon are also associated with AF, possibly due to the inflammatory response it causes. The long hospital stay and the development of comorbidities is common to all three articles and similar ones. Conclusion It is concluded that the intraoperative variables CABG combined with valvular surgery, use of bypass and aortic artery clamping are strongly associated with the development of AF. Therefore, it is imperative to study them because despite the evolution of surgical techniques the incidence of AF remains.
Introduction Auricular fibrillation (AF) is a frequent postoperative complication and is associated with an increased risk of morbidity, mortality and difficulty in recovery. Some surgical techniques are associated with the development of this arrhythmia, this being the study aim of this review article. Objectives To determine which are the intraoperative predictive factors for the development of AF after cardiac surgery, in which way the different surgical techniques influence the occurrence of AF, and to analyze among the intraoperative risk factors which have the highest correlation with the development of AF and the reason for it. Research Methods Scientific articles were searched on Google Academic, PubMed®, SciELO® and Mendeley®, using several keywords, from those including articles from the years 2010 to 2020, from which three were chosen for presentation. Data Hashemzadeh et al. evaluated 1254 patients, having a AF incidence of 13.6%. The most commonly performed type of surgery was CABG, the intraoperative variables associated with AF were valvular surgery, aortic septal defect correction surgery (ASD), bicava cannulation, ventilation at the root of the aorta and pulmonary vein, aortic artery clamping time and bypass time. Shen et al. evaluated 10390 patients, having a AF incidence of 30%. The surgical procedures associated with AF were mitral or aortic valve procedures, CABG and left ventricular aneurysm repair. Rostagno et al. evaluated 725 patients, having a AF incidence of 29.7% (with 39 patients presenting with AF episodes in the preoperative period). AF was more frequent in patients who underwent CABG plus valvular procedures. Discussion It was determined by the authors that the performance of combined procedures, namely CABG and valvular surgery, is associated with a high risk of developing AF, according to the authors Helgadottir et al. and Dave et al., and may be due to inherent structural changes, among others. The time of aortic clamping and bypass, use of cardioplegia and intraaortic balloon are also associated with AF, possibly due to the inflammatory response it causes. The long hospital stay and the development of comorbidities is common to all three articles and similar ones. Conclusion It is concluded that the intraoperative variables CABG combined with valvular surgery, use of bypass and aortic artery clamping are strongly associated with the development of AF. Therefore, it is imperative to study them because despite the evolution of surgical techniques the incidence of AF remains.
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