Trabalho experimental na concretização de atividades de transversalidade curricular : avaliação de uma ação de formação contínua
Jorge, F.R. & Paixão, F. (2022). Trabalho experimental na concretização de atividades de transversalidade curricular : avaliação de uma ação de formação contínua. Brazilian Journal of Development, 8(5), 35587-35600.
Trabalho experimental na concretização de atividades de transversalidade curricular : avaliação de uma ação de formação contínua
Experimental work in the implementation of cross curricular activities : evaluation of a continuing education action
Experimental work in the implementation of cross curricular activities : evaluation of a continuing education action
Formação contínua
Educação em Ciências
Trabalho experimental
Contextos não-formais
Integração curricular
Continuing education
Science education
Experimental work
Non-formal contexts
Curriculum integration
Educação em Ciências
Trabalho experimental
Contextos não-formais
Integração curricular
Continuing education
Science education
Experimental work
Non-formal contexts
Curriculum integration
Este trabalho reporta um estudo desenvolvido no âmbito da formação contínua de educadores e professores com foco no desenvolvimento de uma ação de curta duração centrada na realização de uma atividade de trabalho experimental, integrando ciências naturais, matemática e arte, tomando como contexto uma obra do artista plástico Manuel Cargaleiro. Os conteúdos da atividade focaram a pavimentação do plano com figuras poligonais e fenómenos da interação da luz com a matéria, evidenciando as cores. A ação tem vindo a ser oferecida como oficina de trabalho em diversas situações. Impôs-se, pois, analisar qual o interesse que despertava nos formandos, tendo-se estabelecido como objetivo do estudo avaliar a ação de formação através das opiniões dos participantes.
Adotou-se uma metodologia de índole descritiva, tendo os dados sido recolhidos através de notas de campo e de um questionário construído para o efeito, contemplando um conjunto de questões fechadas associadas a uma escala de Likert e uma questão aberta. A análise dos dados foi orientada por duas categorias de análise: (i) perspetivas do potencial da atividade para a aprendizagem das crianças/alunos; (ii) perspetiva de ensino dos docentes. Os resultados sustentam que os participantes avaliaram positivamente a ação, nomeadamente ao nível da compreensão da natureza do trabalho experimental, do contributo da atividade para gerar motivação e desenvolver capacidades de questionamento, testagem, interpretação de dados e experimentação. Na perspetiva do ensino dos docentes, as opiniões convergem para o reconhecimento da relevância da ação para a formação contínua, para a interação entre contextos de educação formal e não formal e a integração de áreas curriculares.
Abstract: This paper reports a study developed in the context of continuing education of educators and teachers with focus on the development of a short-term action focused on the implementation of an experimental work activity, integrating natural sciences, mathematics and art, taking as context a work by the artist Manuel Cargaleiro. The contents of the activity focused on the paving of the plane with polygonal figures and phenomena of the interaction of light with matter, highlighting colors. The action has been offered as a workshop in several situations. Therefore, it was necessary to analyze what interest it aroused in the trainees, and the objective of the study was to evaluate the training action through the participants' opinions. A descriptive methodology was adopted, and the data were collected through field notes and a questionnaire built for this purpose, including a set of closed questions associated with a Likert scale and an open question. Data analysis was guided by two categories of analysis: (i) perspectives of the activity's potential for children/students' learning; (ii) teachers' teaching perspective. The results support that the participants evaluated the action positively, namely in terms of understanding the nature of experimental work, the contribution of the activity to generate motivation and develop questioning, testing, data interpretation and experimentation skills. From the teachers' teaching perspective, the opinions converge towards the recognition of the relevance of the action for continuing education, the interaction between formal and non-formal education contexts, and the integration of curricular areas.
Abstract: This paper reports a study developed in the context of continuing education of educators and teachers with focus on the development of a short-term action focused on the implementation of an experimental work activity, integrating natural sciences, mathematics and art, taking as context a work by the artist Manuel Cargaleiro. The contents of the activity focused on the paving of the plane with polygonal figures and phenomena of the interaction of light with matter, highlighting colors. The action has been offered as a workshop in several situations. Therefore, it was necessary to analyze what interest it aroused in the trainees, and the objective of the study was to evaluate the training action through the participants' opinions. A descriptive methodology was adopted, and the data were collected through field notes and a questionnaire built for this purpose, including a set of closed questions associated with a Likert scale and an open question. Data analysis was guided by two categories of analysis: (i) perspectives of the activity's potential for children/students' learning; (ii) teachers' teaching perspective. The results support that the participants evaluated the action positively, namely in terms of understanding the nature of experimental work, the contribution of the activity to generate motivation and develop questioning, testing, data interpretation and experimentation skills. From the teachers' teaching perspective, the opinions converge towards the recognition of the relevance of the action for continuing education, the interaction between formal and non-formal education contexts, and the integration of curricular areas.
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