Supervisão colaborativa - Contributo(s) para o desenvolvimento profissional do professor de matemática
Pinho, H., Abrantes, M. M. & Jorge, F. R. (2019). Supervisão colaborativa – Contributos para o desenvolvimento profissional do professor de matemática. In F. Paixão, F. R. Jorge & P. Silveira (Coords.), A escola de aprender – contributos para a sua construção. Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco, p. 161-175.
Supervisão colaborativa - Contributo(s) para o desenvolvimento profissional do professor de matemática
Collaborative supervision - contribution(s) to the professional devolepment of the mathematics teachers
Collaborative supervision - contribution(s) to the professional devolepment of the mathematics teachers
Supervisão colaborativa
Desenvolvimento profissional
Formação contínua
Professores de matemática
Collaborative supervision
Professional development
Continuous training
Mathematic teachers
Desenvolvimento profissional
Formação contínua
Professores de matemática
Collaborative supervision
Professional development
Continuous training
Mathematic teachers
Este artigo apresenta resultados de um estudo em que foram analisadas as potencialidades da supervisão colaborativa, enquanto estratégia formativa, em contexto de formação contínua de professores de matemática dos 2.º e 3.º ciclos do ensino básico e do ensino secundário, numa perspetiva da promoção do seu desenvolvimento profissional. O estudo desenvolveu-se segundo um paradigma de investigação qualitativo com recurso a processos quantitativos, recorrendo a uma metodologia de investigação-ação centrada na realização de uma oficina de formação de 50 horas no âmbito da qual foram estudados três casos, tendo-se analisado três categorias: o desenvolvimento da capacidade reflexiva, a abertura à mudança e o desenvolvimento da autonomia. Apresentam-se os resultados relativos às estratégias implementadas, o seu impacto, e ainda os constrangimentos detetados ao longo de todo o processo.
Abstract This article presents results of a study that analyzed the collaborative supervision potentialities as a formative strategy in the context of continuous training of mathematic teachers of the 2nd and 3rd cycles of basic education and secondary education, in a perspective of promoting their professional development. The study was developed according to a qualitative research paradigm using quantitative processes, resorting to an action-research methodology centered on the implementation of a 50-hour training workshop in which three cases were studied, and three categories were analyzed: the development of reflexive capacity, openness to change and the development of autonomy. The results obtained will be presented, focusing the implemented strategies, the collaborative supervision impact on the professional development, as well as the detected constraints throughout the process.
Abstract This article presents results of a study that analyzed the collaborative supervision potentialities as a formative strategy in the context of continuous training of mathematic teachers of the 2nd and 3rd cycles of basic education and secondary education, in a perspective of promoting their professional development. The study was developed according to a qualitative research paradigm using quantitative processes, resorting to an action-research methodology centered on the implementation of a 50-hour training workshop in which three cases were studied, and three categories were analyzed: the development of reflexive capacity, openness to change and the development of autonomy. The results obtained will be presented, focusing the implemented strategies, the collaborative supervision impact on the professional development, as well as the detected constraints throughout the process.
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